Finally the last stop on the #FridayReads train is 'The Underground Railroad' by Colson Whitehead, also for a book discussion this month.
So far it's okay, nothing that I haven't read before. But I'm still early in it. Hopefully it'll be better than the last 3-4 books I've read for this discussion group.
And the #FridayReads continue!
I'm also in the middle of rereading 'Ancillary Justice' by Ann Leckie for a book discussion I'm leading this month.
The reread is great, especially after reading 'Translation State' earlier this summer. Lots of "Oh yeah! That!" moments happening.
For more Spooky #FridayReads I am also listening to 'A Black and Endless Sky' by Matthew Lyons.
Desert road trip finding a weird abandoned government installation while also being tracked and hunted by a biker gang.
This week for #FridayReads I am digging into my Spooky Reads 2023 with 'The Spite House' by Johhny Compton
A little bit 'The Shining' with a Black family in a very bizarre haunted house in Texas.
It's good so far, but I'm worried the author is trying to spin too many plates, so hopefully it all pays off.
Witch King by Martha Wells was a meaty fantasy with complex world building and layered characters I could really sink my teeth into.
#BookBub #BookReviews #FridayReads #Fantasy #bookish #amreading #WhatchaReading
#whatchareading #amreading #bookish #fantasy #fridayreads #bookreviews #bookbub
David Grann a obtenu une belle couverture média pour "Les Naufragés du Wager" qui est sorti en français. A raison, très bon livre. D'autres essais récents sur des voyages maritimes foireux, des histoires de survie, ont eu moins d'écho mais le méritent. Je pense notamment à Au royaume des glaces d'Hampton Sides (chez Paulsen). Pour qui aime les récits d'expédition polaire, le livre de Julian Sancton, Cauchemar en Antarctique (chez Payot) est formidable #bookstodon #Fridayreads #vendredilecture
#bookstodon #fridayreads #vendredilecture
Vous avez remarqué tous ces coups d'Etat dans les anciennes colonies françaises? Je finis la lecture de "Africa is not a country" de Dipo Faloyin, journaliste originaire du Nigeria. Le titre et le sous-titre ne reflètent pas le contenu, un pamphlet documenté, parfois décousu, toujours bien vu, sur les conséquences du colonialisme européen en Afrique : tracé absurde des frontières, pillage des richesses, volonté timorée de restitution du patrimoine... #bookstodon #Fridayreads #vendredilecture
#bookstodon #fridayreads #vendredilecture
"Children of Memory" d'Adrian Tchaikovsky. Pour moi, c'est le moins bon livre de la trilogie. Adrian Tchaikovsky est un bon conteur, il écrit bien. Dans la toile du temps est magnifique, Dans les profondeurs du temps ajoute une couche de complexité. Adrian Tchaikovsky introduit beaucoup d'humanité et d'émotion dans sa description des rapports de notre espèce avec d'autres (et les intelligences artificielles). #bookstodon #Fridayreads #vendredilecture #sciencefiction
#bookstodon #fridayreads #vendredilecture #sciencefiction
It's in those little gifts we never got to give
#kitteh #kitsmum #tea #death #fridaymorning #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #fridayreads #itsHere #broughtyouyourtea #itshere #love #loss #grief #holdmeback #FridayFeeling #vibecheck
#kitteh #kitsmum #tea #death #fridaymorning #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #fridayreads #itshere #broughtyouyourtea #love #loss #grief #holdmeback #fridayfeeling #vibecheck
Finally for #FridayReads I have an honorable mention for 'Snow Crash' by Neal Stephenson as I finished the audiobook earlier this week.
Still love this book after so many years. Where I was all about Hiro's "edgy" cyberpunk nature before, this time it's YT that really shines in this book. She would fit in really well with so many of today's great women characters.
With some updates, this book would be a fantastic TV miniseries.
The narrator, Jonathan Davis, was one of the best I've listened to
Fourth for #FridayReads is 'Monstress' by Marjorie Liu.
Last year was the first time I included graphic novels on my Spooky Reads list, and this was there but I didn't get to it.
I figured that since I need to read 2 other books this month, it would be good to have a lighter read to start Spooky Reads 2023.
Third on #FridayReads is 'A Black and Endless Sky' by Matthew Lyons on audio.
Horror-filled roadtrip book in the US Southwest - it has some hard work to do to match last year's 'The Devil Takes You Home' from Gabino Iglesias in this arena (that book was so good!).
This is the official start of my Spooky Reads 2023 and I'm excited for this year's dive into horror.
Next for #FridayReads is a reread of 'Ancillary Justice' by Ann Leckie for another book discussion this month (actually the same day as the one for 'The Underground Railroad'). Just started it this morning and it's nice to settle back into the universe.
Busy week for #FridayReads here. First up I'm reading 'The Underground Railroad' by Colson Whitehead for a book discussion later this month.
So far it's only okay. Seems a typical tale of slavery in the US South, nothing that I haven't read in numerous other books.
Good morning. My #FridayReads is Agent Josephine by Damien Lewis. It's an interesting topic but the writing style is not my favorite.
🌊📘#FridayReads: “The Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction treaty & its implications for marine-based #carbondioxide removal,” co-authored by @SabinCenter deputy director Romany Webb and Dr. Will Burns:
Do I have to give up me, to honor her?
#kitteh #fridaymorning #alarm #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #revenge #lettingGo #KeepYou #BeYou #medical #emergency #lights #FridayReads #FridayVibes #codeBlue #OhNo #vibecheck
#kitteh #fridaymorning #alarm #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #revenge #lettinggo #keepyou #beyou #medical #emergency #lights #fridayreads #FridayVibes #codeblue #ohno #vibecheck
I'm also still listening to 'Snow Crash' by Neal Stephenson on audio. I've been on vacation this week, so not as much time in the car listening. I've reached the action on the Raft, so closing in on the end.
It makes a lot more sense than when I read it as a teen (I was a teen in the 90s, so I was drawn to the edgy cyberpunk instead of the Sumerian religious history).
This week for #FridayReads I'm reading 'Stray Souls' by Kate Griffin (aka Claire North aka Catherine Webb).
Set in the same magical London as her Matthew Swift books, these are some of my most favorite urban fantasies (and they are truly URBAN fantasies).
Great book so far from a favorite author.