Nein, habe ich nicht.
Aber wir müssen uns dran machen, welche zu entwickeln.
Pläne sind dafür da, geändert zu werden. Ohne Plan kann es aber nur ein reaktives Weiter-so geben, wobei sich die Möglichkeiten der Reaktion drastisch reduzieren.
Ansonsten, wie gesagt, #FriendlyFire. Ich hadere, zweifle, verzweifle und klopfe zuweilen mit meinem Kopf an die falschen Türen.
@Sagittarius_Galaxie Welch Erste-Welt-#Luxusproblem: Wo fliehe ich hin?
Bereits heute stellt sich die Menschen die Frage, wohin fliehen - um was zu Fressen, überhaupt die Perspektive auf ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu haben.
Wir bemühen uns bereits nach Kräften, diese Menschen absaufen zu lassen. Das man keine Perspektive darstellen darf, ist praktisch politischer Konsens.
7 months after the #shooting, investigators interviewed the #NYPD officers who shot their weapons.
But investigators did NOT challenge those #officers when their accounts differed from what was captured on video, according to recordings obtained by ProPublica.
#Police #FriendlyFire #TheBronx #NYC #News #BodyCam #Cops #CivilRights #CriminalJustice
#Shooting #NYPD #officers #Police #friendlyfire #thebronx #nyc #News #bodycam #cops #civilrights #criminaljustice
All well and good, good bit moment
but then out of nowhere there was a 15 millisecond snip of the #FriendlyFire theme song. (“yea-ah”)
WTF was that about?
Nous sommes du même côté ! – 我们是站在同一阵线上的! – Мы на одной стороне!
#friendlyfire #sodom #weareatthesameside
#weareatthesameside #sodom #friendlyfire
Skeptoid #99: Reassembling TWA Flight 800 by Brian Dunning #twaflight800 #friendlyfire #conspiracy #cia #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot TWA Flight 800 was not shot down by US friendly fire.
#twaflight800 #friendlyfire #conspiracy #cia #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Russian Precision?
"Russian attack helicopters destroy its own armored vehicles"
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #US #FriendlyFire
#friendlyfire #US #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
@GreatestTrek @mikey I always wanted #friendlyfire (aka the pod who must not be named) to do an episode on it.
Nice of the Russians to do this...
"New Ukraine Footage Shows Russia Shot Down One of Its Own Fighter Planes"
#BIDEN #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #FriendlyFire
#friendlyfire #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
In 2020 a trans author named Isabelle Fall published an absolutely kick-ass short story about mind-body interfaces & military hardware. she was hounded and belittled until she retracted the story, By "liberals" who denigrated her bc they hadn't read the story & didn't like the title "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter."
She will probably never publish again. Fuck everyone who drove away this incandescent talent.
#scifi #FriendlyFire #gatekeeping #WeEatOurOwn #IHopeYoureProudOfYourself
#ihopeyoureproudofyourself #weeatourown #GateKeeping #friendlyfire #scifi NFL Lies About Pat Tillman's Death To Promote Military Invasions #pattillman #nfl #military #friendlyfire #murder
#murder #friendlyfire #military #nfl #pattillman
Officer in Cop City Bodycam Footage Suggests Fellow Cop Was Shot by Friendly Fire #AtlantaPD #FriendlyFire #PoliceCoverUp #PoliceMurder #StopCopCity #ManuelEstebanPaezTeran
#AtlantaPD #friendlyfire #policecoverup #PoliceMurder #StopCopCity #manuelestebanpaezteran
"The morning after the night before
I'd been alerted to your lies"
I get along
Pet Shop Boys
da "Release" (2002)
#PublicEye #BodyAndSoul #TonyBlair #FriendlyFire #trying #cry
#mastoradio #publiceye #bodyandsoul #TonyBlair #friendlyfire #trying #cry #ebuonanotte
Höre gerade "FRIENDLY FIRE" mit @Mickypedia und Oliver Polak und freue mich über diesen Take zum Thema #diversität und #vielfältig : (10:30 - 22:00)
@oliverpolak @MickyBeisenherz #friendlyfire #tröt #xp #crosspost #moa
#moa #crosspost #xp #trot #friendlyfire #vielfaltig #diversitat
Höre gerade "FRIENDLY FIRE" mit @Mickypedia und Oliver Polak und freue mich über diesen Take zum Thema #diversität und #vielfältig : (10:30 - 22:00)
@oliverpolak @MickyBeisenherz #friendlyfire #tröt #xp #crosspost
#crosspost #xp #trot #friendlyfire #vielfaltig #diversitat
Ich hab da mal... 1/2
#FriendlyFire8 #friendlyfire @Gronkh @PietSmiet
Man man, das war wieder ne gute Show. Hat Spaß gemacht zuzugucken und ein kleiner Teil davon zu sein.
#friendlyfire #friendlyfire8 #ff8
It's over, 12h and nearly 1.1M purely in direct donations
Once the merch and sponsors got added we know the final sum but it's insane as always