Did #Cloudflare ever pay websites to use them?
#bigData #losingMoney #freeMoney #moneyPrinting #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyLosers #monopoly #wallStreetAbuses #cantillonEffect #moneyLaundering #CIA #nsa #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyEpstein #weAreTheProduct
#cloudflare #bigdata #losingMoney #freeMoney #moneyPrinting #moneyPrinterGoBrr #moneyLosers #monopoly #wallStreetAbuses #cantilloneffect #moneylaundering #cia #nsa #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyepstein #weAreTheProduct
Who are the real #pirates?
This is one of **the most** important #questions of our time. Thanks for raising this and great #prose/#poem!
#piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantillonEffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #antiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
#pirates #questions #prose #piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantilloneffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #AntiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
Now just think, today those who are #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein, #sociopaths, #warCriminals and #frackers are the ones getting tens of billions of newly minted #fiatCurrency from the #bankers everyday.
#centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantillonEffect #CIA #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism
#friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #sociopaths #warcriminals #frackers #fiatCurrency #bankers #centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantilloneffect #cia #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism
It would be good to show the tens of #billions of #moneyPrinting done every day in late 2019, to keep the #shareMarket kicking.
#pyramidScheme #ponziScheme #speculation #zombieBanks #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyEpstein #bankers #centralBanking #GIABO #bankerOccupation #wallStreet #tooBigToFail #tooBigToJail #fiatCurrency #ponzi #fiat #cantillonEffect #trickleDownFallacy #assetInflation
#billions #moneyPrinting #shareMarket #pyramidscheme #ponzischeme #speculation #zombieBanks #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyepstein #bankers #centralBanking #GIABO #bankerOccupation #wallstreet #toobigtofail #tooBigToJail #fiatCurrency #ponzi #fiat #cantilloneffect #trickleDownFallacy #assetinflation