Photo credit to Nikko Kefalas Fashion Stylist Pro photography ©
For booking of photography and styling contact Nikko Kefalas (FB or @nikkokefalas on IG)
For booking and inquiries about Dillon Thomas contact Taylor Kelsaw Management (FB or @taylorkelsawmanagement on IG)
#thedillonjamesthomas #fashion #newyork #friendshelpingfriends #newyorkcity #menstyle #photography #blackandwhitephotography #art
#thedillonjamesthomas #fashion #newyork #friendshelpingfriends #newyorkcity #menstyle #photography #blackandwhitephotography #art
I'm repairing a pair of pants for my friend. I've also taken the pants up and extended one pocket (I don't want to do the other one, but this pocket is now big enough for his phone)
There are patches in the crotch both front and back to put it back together.
I still have bit to do on this but it's coming togey. I've also taken up the hem on the legs as they were too long.
I'm doin this on and off when I'm well enough to do so. #handsewing #sewing #chronicillness #clothingrepairs #sustainability #friendshelpingfriends #aotearoanz #nzsewists #sewingnz #sustainablefashion #sewingwhiledisabled
All done by hand entirely
#handsewing #sewing #chronicillness #clothingrepairs #sustainability #friendshelpingfriends #AotearoaNZ #nzsewists #sewingnz #sustainablefashion #sewingwhiledisabled
@McCullohMD Contributed just a tiny bit to the Patreon <3 Not much, but hopefully can do more soon. #disabled #mutualaid #disabledsocial #friendshelpingfriends
#disabled #mutualaid #DisabledSocial #friendshelpingfriends