Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter CEO John Lipp needs your help to empty the shelter to make room for shelter pets from the devastation in Maui coming to the Bay Area to find forever homes.
#airlift #alameda #faas #fires #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter #JohnLipp #maui #ShelterPets
#airlift #alameda #faas #fires #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter #johnlipp #maui #shelterpets
Come by the FAAS pet adoption fair this Friday and Saturday, August 4 and 5, for half price adoptions on dogs and buy-one-get-one free kittens! Bring home your new best friend.
#AdoptionFair #alameda #AnimalAdoptions #cats #dogs #faas #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter #kittens #PetAdoption
#adoptionfair #alameda #animaladoptions #cats #dogs #faas #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter #kittens #petadoption
FAAS is making it easier than ever for volunteer dog walkers. FAAS's Maria Goodavage advises prospective walkers to stop by the shelter anytime from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. any day of the week for a drop-in walk. It will be the highlight of a shelter dog's day–and maybe yours too.
#dogs #faas #alameda #BigDogs #volunteer #DogWalking #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#dogs #faas #alameda #bigdogs #volunteer #dogwalking #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Hi, I'm Buddy. I had some serious health problems, but some angels from FAAS and friends provided financial support when I needed it most. My writer lady friend, Liz Barrett, shares the story of my life from being feral to becoming a healthy, happy, housecat.
#cats #faas #icra #pets #buddy #alameda #SkylaFund #EastBaySpca #HaywardVeterinaryHospital #IslandCatResourcesAndAdoption #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#cats #faas #icra #pets #buddy #alameda #skylafund #eastbayspca #haywardveterinaryhospital #islandcatresourcesandadoption #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter, or FAAS, provides a variety services for Alameda's pets and their people, many of them low- or no-cost.
#cats #dogs #faas #pets #alameda #LowCost #PetFood #LostPets #FoundPets #SkylaFund #veterinarian #FinancialAssistance #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#cats #dogs #faas #pets #alameda #lowcost #petfood #lostpets #foundpets #skylafund #veterinarian #financialassistance #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Mouf and his human companion participate in a photoshoot to support FAAS and want to allow dogs time to play on the beaches in Alameda in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda.
#mouf #beaches #sundogday #FosterDogs #graduation #PhotoShoot #BearsEyeView #SandCastleContest #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#mouf #beaches #sundogday #fosterdogs #graduation #photoshoot #bearseyeview #sandcastlecontest #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
The Alameda Animal Shelter is ready to reopen after a major renovation, and Mouf is there to check out the amenities and help some of the dogs find new homes. Join FAAS for the grand reopening on April 8.
#FAAS #Alameda #Kennels #Sundogday #FosterDogs #PetAdoption #Bearseyeview #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#faas #alameda #kennels #sundogday #fosterdogs #petadoption #bearseyeview #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Mouf reminisces after visiting the kennels he once stayed in at the Alameda Animal Shelter and spends some time around Park Street where he finds a scarecrow, a prehistoric flower, and a new source for poop bags.
#FAAS #Alameda #Flowers #Turkeys #Scarecrow #Sundogday #Bearseyeview #AkikoFaithYamato #KamakuraRestaurant #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#faas #alameda #flowers #turkeys #scarecrow #sundogday #bearseyeview #akikofaithyamato #kamakurarestaurant #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Please help! FAAS is seeking foster homes or adopters for eleven dogs before the end of today—the shelter needs be empty to upgrade all the kennels. Would you consider taking in one of these needy dogs to help FAAS modernize?
#FAAS #Alameda #FosterDogs #PetAdoption #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#faas #alameda #fosterdogs #petadoption #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Some big dogs need temporary homes while FAAS upgrades their kennels. In this week's Bear's-Eye View, Mouf announces his human companion is covering foster fees and offering a $100 dinner at a local Alameda restaurant to families who foster dogs for 30 days… or longer.
#FAAS #BigDogs #Kennels #Upgrade #Sundogday #FosterDogs #Bearseyeview #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#faas #bigdogs #kennels #upgrade #sundogday #fosterdogs #bearseyeview #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
Dignity Village, a 47-unit interim supportive housing program, will house and serve up to 61 unhoused individuals living in Alameda. Karin K. Jensen reports back from the January 31 meeting with the community's questions and answers.
#Alameda #Housing #FiveKeys #BottleParcel #DignityMoves #Transitional #DignityVillage #AffordableHousing #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#alameda #housing #fivekeys #bottleparcel #dignitymoves #transitional #dignityvillage #affordablehousing #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter