Alameda Point is home to a very important breeding site for a colony of endangered California least terns. Rick Lewis reports back from an excursion to the site with photos of the "small, resilient, and entertaining birds" and their camouflaged chicks.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #birdwatching #CaliforniaLeastTern #CrabCove #ebrpd #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve #GoldenGateAudubonSociety #UnitedStatesFishAndWildlifeService
#alameda #alamedapoint #birdwatching #californialeasttern #crabcove #ebrpd #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve #goldengateaudubonsociety #unitedstatesfishandwildlifeservice
Thanks to the winter rains and the seed planting of Alameda's Public Works, the island is covered in a rainbow of beautiful blooms. Linda Carloni shares details about some of our native plants including gorgeous photos by Leora Feeney and Rick Lewis.
#blooms #garden #alameda #gardening #wildflowers #NativePlants #CrossAlamedaTrail #AlamedaCountyPublicWorksAgency #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve
#blooms #garden #alameda #gardening #wildflowers #nativeplants #crossalamedatrail #alamedacountypublicworksagency #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve
Spring is here, and chicks are too! Great blue herons and snowy egrets are nesting in trees around the island of Alameda and Bay Farm Island. Marjorie Powell highlights these species, with photos of the babies and nests by Rick Lewis.
#birds #alameda #GreatEgrets #SnowyEgrets #birdwatching #GreatBlueHeron #GoldenGateAudubonSociety #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve
#birds #alameda #greategrets #snowyegrets #birdwatching #greatblueheron #goldengateaudubonsociety #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve
Meet Big Junior: the 4-year-old female bald eagle famous around Alameda. Sharol Nelson-Embry shares the history of this special raptor who now nests on Bay Farm Island.
#Birds #Alameda #BaldEagle #Birdwatching #GoldenGateAudubonSociety #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve
#birds #alameda #baldeagle #birdwatching #goldengateaudubonsociety #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve
The popular nesting pair of bald eagles are not the only birds that inhabit Alameda's Corica Park. Rick Lewis highlights five other gorgeous species you might spot in the area of the golf course on Bay Farm Island.
#Merlin #Alameda #BayFarm #BaldEagles #CoricaPark #GreenHeron #HoodedMerganser #LesserGoldfinch #RedShoulderedHawk #GoldenGateAudubonSociety #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve
#merlin #alameda #bayfarm #baldeagles #coricapark #greenheron #hoodedmerganser #lessergoldfinch #redshoulderedhawk #goldengateaudubonsociety #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve