Some of the doffers in #theWashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. The smallest one said he was 15 years old but, for that matter, they are all "wise" to the necessity for being at least 14. All work. The group was posed by the overseer. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#thewashingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Straight up w ze crispy 😋🧆🍟
#ChickenTenders #Fries
#DaniaBeach #TheGrill
#Dinner #Scrumptious
#Supper #Appetizing
#appetizing #supper #scrumptious #dinner #thegrill #daniabeach #fries #chickentenders
#T.J.Fields and family. The father cards, two girls spin, boy on right end picks up bobbins, #WashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. Been working a year or two. Mother and smallest children not in photo. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#t #washingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Group of adolescent spinners in #WashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. The youngest ones would not be photographed. see exterior views.) Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#washingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Group of adolescent spinners in #WashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. The youngest ones would not be photographed. see exterior views.) Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#washingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
View of #theWashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. Housing conditions are fairly good, but housekeeping not very good. Working conditions in the mill are very good. Good light, fresh air. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#thewashingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
...mein Seelentier als Pommes Plüschi 🥰💚🍟
#fries #pommes #vegan #gamescom2023
Mijn boek besteld bij
valt zojuist op de mat. Ik vind de opdrachten voorin die boeken vaak zo geestig.
Deze ook:
"Foar mijn leave skilder...Rommert"
#fries zeker?
Family of A.P. Stata he is at church). Father, son and two oldest girls in photo work in #WashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. The little spinner on left of photo has been working three years. Runs six sides. Can run eight, "if they'd let me." #Location:Fries, #Virginia.
#washingtoncottonmills #fries #va #location #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Sunday morning by the river. All of these boys work in #WashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, Va. Smallest boy doffs. Asked him his age, and he said, after hesitation, "I don't know." One of his chums said, "You told me the other day you were ten years old." He appeared to be. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#washingtoncottonmills #fries #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
A part of the spinning force working in #theWashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va.Group posed by the overseer. All work. The overseer said, "These boys are a bad lot." All were alive to the need for being 14 years old when questioned. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#thewashingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Some of the youngsters working in the spinning rooms of #theWashingtonCottonMills, #Fries, #Va. Posed by the overseer, who said, "These boys are a bad lot." When questioned, they all said they were fourteen yrs. old or more. Location: #Fries, #Virginia.
#thewashingtoncottonmills #fries #va #virginia #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Lees alles over: "Terugroepactie Dekamarkt, in de Dekavers Fries Suikerbrood kan stukjes rubber zitten" op Medemblik Praat | Klanten die een product gekocht hebben, kunnen het terugbrengen naar de winkel. | #andijk #sukerbrood #fries #dekamarkt #terugroepactie #gezondheid #wervershoof
#wervershoof #gezondheid #terugroepactie #dekamarkt #fries #sukerbrood #andijk
The perfect evening doesn’t exis…. #dogsofmastodon #vinyl #thedoors #music #CoronaandLime #beer #fries
#fries #Beer #coronaandlime #Music #thedoors #vinyl #dogsofmastodon
Fried Churro Fries. As seen at the Jersey Shore. #newjersey #healthy #cooking #oreos #fries #livingyourbestlife #life
#newjersey #healthy #cooking #oreos #fries #livingyourbestlife #life