#FritzesChat Here’s one that I really appreciate. The only nova here in #TheBatman is a contact lens with video and high-speed live transmission capabilities. Everything else, like the facial recognition, recording, and signal strength indicators are “server side,” and otherwise there’s no random graphic nonsense. I’m not sure why the edges of the image are blurry, since this is Batman’s POV and he’s not inebriated or anyting, but it hides any fuigetry, (re: https://scifiinterfaces.com/2014/06/04/fuidgets/) so yay.
#FritzesChat The worst, laziest-written interface of the year has to be this one from #DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness. Sure, sure, it’s “another dimension” so you can excuse almost any nonsense, but the idea is that it’s a trigger plate that anyone can accidentally step on that will expose your most intimate and meaningful experiences to every rando passing by on the sidewalk? No consent, no privacy, no preview or selection? No OMGDONTSHOWTHAT CANCEL? Glow-ring good, I guess, but WTF?
#DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness #fritzeschat