orichalcum - an unknown metal referenced in several ancient texts, meaning "mountain copper" in greek. Thought to be platinum, for a time. In 2015 ingots of orichalcum were discovered in a shipwreck; analysis revealed these to be a mixture of copper and zinc.
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Fritz Leiber's short story The Jewels in the Forest. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser seek treasure with guidance from a passage of marginalia.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser #Lankhmar
ambuscade - an ambush
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheFay from Fritz Leiber's short story The Jewels in the Forest. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser grip their horses' side harnesses as arrows buzz across the road above them.
#AppendixN #FritzLeiber #FafhrdAndTheGrayMouser #Lankhmar #RoadEvent
#appendixnlocutionofthefay #AppendixN #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser #Lankhmar #roadevent
levinbolt - a lightning strike or bolt
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Fritz Leiber's Swords Against Death, from the story The Circle Curse. Lightning illuminates Sheelba's robes, filled with empty blackness, as she gives a message to Fafhrd and the Mouser.
#AppendixN #FritzLeiber #FafhrdAndTheGrayMouser #sffbookclub #swordandsorcery
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser #sffbookclub #swordandsorcery
Warum gibt es die Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser Geschichten von Fritz Leiber nicht auf Deutsch als eBook. Ich prangere das an!
#pnpde #Lankhmar #fritzleiber #ebookde
#pnpde #lankhmar #fritzleiber #ebookde
Für diese Mittagspause habe ich mal meinen Erstkontakt mit Fritz Leibers Lankhmar, Nehwon sowie Fafhrd und dem Grauen Mausling aus dem Regal gezogen:
Mythen & Legenden für #ADnD2E
Noch läuft die Vorbestellung ( #crowdfunding ) von der Lankhmar Box für das fantastische #dccrpg bei @systemmatters ! 😉
Und es gilt das Projekt (mit vielen tollen Stretchgoals) zu stemmen! 💪
#WERBUNG #lankhmar #pnpde #ttrpg
#fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser
#adnd2e #crowdfunding #dccrpg #werbung #lankhmar #pnpde #ttrpg #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser
Zeit die Klingen zu wetzen und die Schwerter für Lankhmar zu recken! ⚔️
Denn die Vorbestellung ( #crowdfunding ) von der Lankhmar Box für das fantastische #DCCrpg läuft bei @systemmatters . 🤠
Bitte einsteigen und mein Träumchen wahr werden lassen! 😘
#WERBUNG #lankhmar #pnpde #ttrpg
#fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser
#crowdfunding #dccrpg #werbung #lankhmar #pnpde #ttrpg #fritzleiber #fafhrdandthegraymouser
claque - a group of people hired to applaud (or heckle) a performer or public speaker. Or, a group of sycophantic followers.
#appendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Leiber's Swords of Lankhmar. The Gray Mouser fixes things in Fafhrd's favor amongst the sailors.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fafhrdandthegraymouser #Lankhmar #fritzleiber
#ThroneOfTheCrescentMoon by #SaladinAhmed is so good-written and so much fun I am reading it for the third time this year.
Because of him writing only for the comic book industry these days, I am even thinking about re-reading #FritzLeiber's #Lankhmar stuff I have read as a teen - low fantasy seems such a fun genre for me right now!
#throneofthecrescentmoon #saladinahmed #fritzleiber #lankhmar
baluster - a short pillar or column, typically decorative in design, in a series supporting a rail or coping
#appendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Michael Curtis's adventure module No Small Crimes in Lankhmar. The stair railing to the third floor of Hisvin's city manse depicts a line of crouched rats.
#appendixN #dungeonCrawlClassics #dccrpg #dccLankhmar #Lankhmar #fritzLeiber
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #dungeoncrawlclassics #dccrpg #dcclankhmar #Lankhmar #fritzleiber
hist - interjection used to attract attention or call for silence
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Leiber's Swords of Lankhmar. Hisvin reprimands his daughter, Hisvet.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fafhrdandthegraymouser #Lankhmar #fritzleiber
@Robfromca @karlthefog I guess this is the Sutro Heights tower #FritzLeiber wrote about in Our Lady of Darkness? I see now what he was getting at. Even the same color scheme.
jakes - a lavatory, especially an outdoor one
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Leiber's Swords of Lankhmar. A spy's identity is sussed out by the shape, color and consistency of his dung.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fritzleiber #Lankhmar #fafhrdandthegraymouser
vizard - a mask or disguise
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Leiber's Ill Met in Lankhmar.
#appendixn #fafhrdandthegraymouser #lankhmar #logophilia #fritzleiber
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #fafhrdandthegraymouser #Lankhmar #logophilia #fritzleiber
Soon, he graduates to assassin, and discovers something he likes even better: *killing* Dragareans.
If you enjoy witty, fast-moving sword-and-sorcery - say, the works of #FritzLeiber - you will *love* those early Vlad books. If you like the wordplay and propulsive plotting of #RogerZelazny, those early books will knock your socks off.
@bookstodon I should probably mention something I've read myself. I don't remember which book it was in the series (I don't have them anymore) but one of the Fafhard and the Grey Mouser books by #FritzLeiber has a scene involving rats that made quite the impression on a younger me.
Not into rats normally...
“when the Earth got cold, all the water in the air froze first and made a blanket ten feet thick or so everywhere, and then down on top of that dropped the crystals of frozen air, making another white blanket sixty or seventy feet thick maybe.”
-A Pail of Air, #FritzLeiber #bookstodon #scifibooks #QuoteToot
#fritzleiber #bookstodon #scifibooks #quotetoot
Erstes #DCC -Abenteuer (relativ) erfolgreich abgeschlossen:
„Aramandias Abgrund“ (Soloabenteuer aus dem Entfesselten Ettin Nr. 1 von @Glgnfz und Martin vom #Eskapodcast ).
Der Autor (Ma.) hat gleich zu Beginn ein leichtfertiges Wort eingeflochten: LANKHMAR ⚔️
Nachdem mein Charakter das Zeitliche gesegnet hatte, zog ich also den AD&D 2e-Band „Mythen & Legenden“ aus dem Regal. Da steht nämlich ein netter Überblick zu den Schöpfungen von #FritzLeiber drin! 🤠
#pnpde #ttrpg #fanzine #fantasy #art #osr
#osr #art #fantasy #fanzine #ttrpg #pnpde #fritzleiber #Eskapodcast #DCC
I’m reading one of the bleakest stories I’ve ever read, it’s #FritzLeiber A Pail of Air. It’s narrated by a kid telling the story of how a passing star pushed the Earth away from the Sun and the devastating after effects. Earth is nearly a frozen tundra with little breathable air. The boy built a little shelter for his family. Every once in a while the kid goes outside with a bucket and thaws frozen air over a fire so their atmosphere is breathable. #bookstodon #scifi #shortstory #ballantine
#fritzleiber #bookstodon #SciFi #shortstory #ballantine
#Fantasy #swords #SwordsAnd Sorcery #FritzLeiber #sciencefiction #SciFi
#fantasy #swords #swordsand #fritzleiber #sciencefiction #SciFi