3️⃣ Before all that, Byrne includes 11 pages of pin-up art in the story. Each page shows #SheHulk in old-time glamour girl poses. By doing each one in a very different style, Byrne pays tribute to a wide variety of artists and photographers. Included are #JoeDeMers, #GeorgeHurrell, #FritzWillis, #AndréDeDienes, #AlbertJosephMoore, #AlbertoVargas, and #PhilippeHalsman. It's pretty cool.
4️⃣ Particularly when you understand the historical context of what he's doing.
#shehulk #joedemers #georgehurrell #fritzwillis #andrededienes #albertjosephmoore #albertovargas #philippehalsman