I threw a brush which must be easily 20 years old and the handle broke. Now everyone is acting like they've never thrown a brush before and it was some sort of insanity to even had considered throwing it.
Sociologists need to do a better job of studying the #ReplyGuy phenomenon.
I've been mansplained at three times in the past three days by Reply Guys unhelpfully and condescendingly responding to my posts when I didn't ask for assistance.
Men see a feminine name on a screen and assume they are speaking to someone without expertise in the subject matter at hand, even when that expertise is obvious from the context and the vocabulary.
#replyguy #sexism #mansplaining #patriarchy #gtfo #fro
Å ha en #hageglad gruppe er virkelig en vitamininnsprøytning.
Kjapp gjennomgang av eventuelle endringer i sivilstand, oppjustering av antall barn og barnebarn, og så over til det viktige:
Hvordan unngå griffelråte, eller stiklingsformere busker?
Knep for at ikke grevlingen tar bokashien?
Trygg forankring av rosebue?
God og rimelig sirkelsag?
Noen som trenger 15 nye sorter tomat?
Fire timer, og ikke en eneste pinlig pause❤️
#hageglad #fro #frobytte #stauder #gronnsaker #tomater #jordkvalitet #Norsktut
#RobodebtRC #FFS Rachelle Miller confirms that Alan Tudge had files on publicly know #Robodebt victims so that the #LNP could use it against them. Even leaked to friendly #rightwing media ( because the nasty #leftwing media would do hit jobs on the Minister and the illegal scheme) #FRO we are talking about people who have committed suicide and suffered untold grief and all that the MP was worried about was arse covering, managing perceptions and spinning the storey in conjunction with the complicit and compliant media. The former Senior Media Advisor apparently was simply doing her job! How could you know what was happening and still front up each day 🤬🧐
And yet the #ABC is avoiding the hearings and #NewsCorpse et al will only mention it if they can help the #LNP #auspol
#robodebtrc #ffs #robodebt #lnp #rightwing #leftwing #fro #abc #newscorpse #auspol
Selvfølgelig er jeg en bevisst forbruker som ikke lar meg forlede av lokketilbud.
Men akkurat nå var det fri frakt på frø hos impecta.no. 🌱🤓🌱
Det ballet på seg litt, kan man si. 😇
#Norsktut #plantenerd #varensarduselv #fro
Luca Barbareschi: `La mafia dei fro*i e delle lesbiche è un problema` #luca #barbareschi #mafia #fro*i #lesbiche #problema https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV4dHF1b3RpZGlhbm8uaXQvYmFyYmFyZXNjaGktb21vc2Vzc3VhbGktbGVzYmljaGUtbWFmaWEtc3V0cmkv
#problema #lesbiche #fro #mafia #barbareschi #luca
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#fairytail #nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #f4f #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #F4F #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #f4f #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #f4f #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #F4F #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#kawai #meme #exceed #cute #cat #manga #art #anime #f4f #followback #fairytail #fro #frog #frosch #bigpenis #bigdick #erection #dick #penis #hentai #yaoi #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #nsfw
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai #gayporn #yaoi #hentai
#NSFW #Gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail #Followback #F4F #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai
#followback #f4f #anime #art #manga #cat #cute #exceed #meme #kawai #nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #yaoi #hentai #penis #dick #erection #bigdick #bigpenis #frosch #frog #fro #fairytail