Karl Heffner (1849 – 1925) was a Bavarian musician who became interested in art after working for an English art dealer, Tom Wallis, and ended up exhibiting and even being commissioned by Edward Prince Regent (the future king Edward VII).
This picture may have been painted on a wooden frame in this shape, i’m not sure; the reproduction i scanned was an engraving.
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #vintageEngraving #oilPainting #art #vintageArt #landscape #river #riverScene #picture
#fobo #fromoldbooks #clipart #vintageengraving #oilpainting #art #vintageart #landscape #river #riverscene #picture
Some magic circles taken from a 1656 English translation of a manuscript of “Celestial Medicine” said to be by Paracelsus (1493–1541). These circles, when engraved onto coins made in a particular way at the right time, are said to invoke the mysterious power of the Zodiac. Wow.
I won’t toot here for each image :)
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #vintageEngraving #illustration #engraving #occult #religion #ancientMedicine #magicCircles #zodiac #astrology #Aries
#fobo #fromoldbooks #clipart #vintageengraving #illustration #engraving #occult #religion #ancientmedicine #magiccircles #zodiac #astrology #aries
A fanciful reconstruction of Druidic worship at Stonehenge (1884)
There's no actual evidence of human sacrifice being used - the Roman accounts of “druids” are as accurate as Putin's accounts of Ukraine - and it was built before the pyramids, long pre-Roman :)
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #vintageEngraving #illustration #engraving #worship #religion #druids #stonehenge #stoneCircle #snakeWorship
#fobo #fromoldbooks #clipart #vintageengraving #illustration #engraving #worship #religion #druids #stonehenge #StoneCircle #snakeworship
Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, UK
Known today especially for its gardens, Alnwick Castle was first buyilt in 1096, possibly on the site of an earlier Roman fort. It was rebuilt in the 1300s and again in the 1700s. The same family has lived there, Percy, since around 1300.
#statelyHome #fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #vintageEngraving #illustration #engraving #bigHouse #countryHouse #castle #medieval #alnwick #earlyColourPrinting
#earlycolourprinting #alnwick #medieval #castle #countryhouse #bighouse #engraving #illustration #vintageengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #statelyhome
Cholmondeley Castle.
It’s pronounced “Chumley” and the same family has been living there since 1066 or so (they must be getting old by now).
The castle was built in the early 19th century, replacing an older wooden hall. Sorry, i don’t know if it has a dungeon :) The chapel (i think on the right) is much older.
#statelyHome #fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #vintageEngraving #illustration #engraving #bigHouse #countryHouse #castle #medieval #19thCentury #cholmondeley
#cholmondeley #19thcentury #medieval #castle #countryhouse #bighouse #engraving #illustration #vintageengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #statelyhome
A 1733 anatomical drawingengraving from Cheselden’s “Osteograpia” - a reassembled primate skeleton.
#ohDearHeDied #fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #monkey #skeleton #bones #primate #waving #byeBye #sitting #seated #treeStump #zombieXylophone #death
#death #zombiexylophone #treestump #seated #sitting #byebye #waving #primate #bones #skeleton #monkey #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #ohdearhedied
Crusaders attacking Jerusalem, from a book of history of [Western] Civilization (Barcelona, 1881).
I'm not sure about climbing a wooden siege-ladder wearing metal ring-mail & carrying a flag-pole, nor about pointing a sword menacingly at a man with a bow, but it's the fantasy of raising the flag over enemy territory.
#castle #menWithSwords #ringMail #knights #soldiers #medieval #ohDearHeDied #fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #jerusalem #crusades #flag #War
#war #flag #crusades #jerusalem #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #ohdearhedied #medieval #soldiers #knights #ringmail #menwithswords #castle
Death in a Castle or Roman palace
Engraved after a painting by Fusté, although i’m not sure who that was. Published in 1881.
#castle #columns #pillars #menWithSwords #body #deadMan #ohDearHeDied #fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #art #romanArchitecture #interior #vintageArt
#vintageart #interior #romanarchitecture #art #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #ohdearhedied #deadman #body #menwithswords #pillars #columns #castle
A “genre painting” by Arnaldo Ferragut (1862-1925), engraved by Richard Bong in 1893.
#fobo #motherhood #woman #child #boy #love #affection #comfort #hugging #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #art #genrePainting #vintageArt
#vintageart #genrepainting #art #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #hugging #comfort #affection #love #boy #child #woman #motherhood #fobo
Saint Bonaventura, from 1878
#fobo #saint #hermit #monk #franciscanMonk #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #art #christian #symbols #christianSymbols #mortality
#mortality #christiansymbols #symbols #Christian #art #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #franciscanmonk #monk #hermit #saint #fobo
Vignette: crucifix with skull and prayer book or bible and hourglass, engraved in 1878 from a work by the French artist Yann Dargent. It's a detail from a larger illustration of the life of St. Bonaventura, the patron saint of bowel disorders. Really.
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #woodEngraving #art #christian #symbols #christianSymbols #mortality
#mortality #christiansymbols #symbols #Christian #art #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo
A Summer Evening - a painting by Hermann Schlittgen (1859 – 1830) that was exhibited at the Berlin Great Exhibition of 1893
#fobo #fromOldBooks #woodEngraving #art #chineseLantern #vintage #painting
#painting #vintage #chineselantern #art #woodengraving #fromoldbooks #fobo
Christopher Hatton was a favourite of Queen Elizabeth I & also became chancellor at Oxford University for 2 or 3 years before his early death.
He seems to have been a Justin Trudeau figure: hated by many simply because he was good looking, a good dancer, successful, even though his policies seem t’ve been progressive for the time, well thought-out, & successful
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #portrait
#woodEngraving #art #rennaisance #elizabethan #neckRuff #collar
#collar #neckruff #Elizabethan #rennaisance #art #woodengraving #portrait #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo
Illustration of man holding an astrolabe from the #William Morris edition of the works of #GeoffreyChaucer
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #border #woodEngraving #art #boy #castle #astrolabe #science #medieval #mediaeval #artsAndCrafts
#artsandcrafts #mediaeval #medieval #science #astrolabe #castle #boy #art #woodengraving #border #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo #GeoffreyChaucer #william
Perfect for a Valetine’s Day card? A full-page border in black and white, with flowers, ivy, a bird... originally surrounding a table of contents for an 1880s book in German.
#fobo #fromOldBooks #clipart #border #woodEngraving #fullPageBorder #Spring #valentinesDay
#ValentinesDay #spring #fullpageborder #woodengraving #border #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo
Fabulous engraving by Alfred Closs of an 1894 painting by the Spanish artist Manuel Ramírez Ibáñez of the 1483 funeral of don Álvaro de Luna, published in an 1895 German art magazine...
#fobo #fromOldBooks #vintageArt #funerals #death #medieval #almsGiving
#almsgiving #medieval #death #funerals #vintageart #fromoldbooks #fobo
A putto, or cherub, plays a baby grand piano in this illustration from an 1898 German art magazine.
#fobo #fromoldbooks #piano #music #vintageArt #cherub #putto #putti #xmas #christmas #valentinesDay #cute #playingPiano
#fromoldbooks #fobo #playingpiano #cute #ValentinesDay #Christmas #Xmas #putti #putto #cherub #vintageart #music #piano
The Eagle Tower at Caernarfon Castle, or Carnarvon to the colonialists who built it... in an 1888 engraving. Its name comes from the sculptures of stone eagles on the battlements at the top of the tower.
#castle #engraving #fobo #fromoldbooks #blackAndWhite #vintageArt #medieval #wales #carnarvon #caernarfon #tower #crennelations #battlements #harbour
#harbour #battlements #crennelations #tower #caernarfon #carnarvon #Wales #medieval #vintageart #blackAndWhite #fromoldbooks #fobo #engraving #castle
“They crossed the Delaware [river] in safety” from “The American Boy’s Life of Washington” (1870). No, i don’t know why girls couldn’t read it. They were better off not reading it in some ways, as it casts the civil war/uprising that led to American independence as Americans vs British, forgetting even Washington himself was English.
#fobo #fromoldbooks #WarOfIndependence #America #boat #escape #soldiers #snowing #snowstorm
#snowstorm #snowing #soldiers #escape #boat #America #warofindependence #fromoldbooks #fobo
“Divine Writing” from Agrippa.
#symbols #magick #occult #fromoldbooks #fobo