No fluffy rom-com, From Scratch is a family drama about love, life, and death, and it is not to be missed.
#fromscratch #fromscratchnetflix #netflix #seriestv
J’ai binge-watched Le goût de vivre (#fromscratchnetflix) ne faites surtout pas ça chez vous
“The two of you are like 2 forks eating from the same plate”
~Lino’s mom in #FromScratchNetflix
This show has me in a puddle
#FromScratchNetflix = One of the best Netflix shows ever! A powerful and VERY moving story that is a life lesson on so many levels. Don’t miss it!
#DesdeCero, en @NetflixES
Esta serie me ha encantado y me ha destrozado a partes iguales ❤️🩹 Maravillosa. ¿La habéis visto? ¿No? Tened pañuelos cerca… 🤧
#FromScratch #fromscratchnetflix #desdeceronetflix #series #netflix
#desdecero #fromscratch #fromscratchnetflix #desdeceronetflix #series #netflix
Finally finished #fromscratchnetflix and god its a sucker punch of emotions in many ways and levels. Especially if youve loved someone from somewhere youre nowhere from. You cant binge it in one day it needs to be spread over a week. amazing cast