#IndieAuthorNews #BeInspired #FindingALiteraryAgent #FromtheMagazine #GetPublished #FYSA #FindaNonfictionAgent #FunnyYouShouldAsk
Funny You Should Ask: What to Ask Before Signing With a Literary Agent
Literary Agent Barbara Poelle gives advice about the kinds of questions to ask a literary agent before signing with them in this column from the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of Writer's...
#indieauthornews #beinspired #findingaliteraryagent #fromthemagazine #getpublished #fysa #findanonfictionagent #funnyyoushouldask
#IndieAuthorNews #writinggoals #promptsforwriters #FromtheMagazine #BeInspired #TheWritersLife #WritingPrompts #WritingHabitsandPractices #WritingGoals2023
Writing Goals and Intentions: 25 Prompts
Make this year your most successful writing year ever by considering the following questions to set your goals and...
#indieauthornews #writinggoals #promptsforwriters #fromthemagazine #beinspired #thewriterslife #writingprompts #writinghabitsandpractices #writinggoals2023