The humans are coming to dinner. Grand Elder Tashmin has put you in charge of catering.
#WritingPrompt #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #HFY #FromTheMuseTumblr #GrandElderTashmin
#writingprompt #humansarespaceorcs #hfy #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin
Grand Elder Tashmin is worried that someone is trying to kill the humans. Security has found capsaicinoids in the food coating called “hot sauce”.
#WritingPrompt #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #HFY #FromTheMuseTumblr #GrandElderTashmin
#writingprompt #humansarespaceorcs #hfy #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin
Grand Elder Tashmin is worried. He has heard the young humans whispering that The Saint of Claws is coming.
#writingprompt #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin
You have been reincarnated as a stuffed toy. You belong to a little girl. When it gets dark, the shadowy things come - you are the girl’s only defender.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr
There is an entire town of tiny people living under your bed. To them you are a god. It is hard to sleep while they are “loudly” praying to you.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr
You are a ghost attached to an old trinket. Your trinket is kept on the dresser of a small child who is afraid of the dark and with very good reason. You have resolved to guard this room.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr #ghost
Every time you sneeze, you are transported to another time and place. You finally arrive back where you started. The pollen count is high and you have hay fever.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr
Apparently, your wardrobe is a time portal. That was the last thing you expected to discover.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr
After three years of job hunting, you finally land an apprenticeship. You are apprenticed to a boogieman who would like to retire in the next six hundred years.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr
We’re sorry the demon you are summoning is unavailable please hold while we try to connect you to our next available servant of darkness.
#WritingPrompt #fromthemusetumblr