In Studio Ghibli movies, food is often used to represent love, care, and friendship. In these scenes, we see characters sharing their food with others, whether it be a simple meal or a feast.
These scenes show us that food is more than just nourishment. It can be a way to show our love and appreciation for the people we care about.
#ghibli #studioghibli #スタジオジブリ #anime #spiritedaway #hayaomiyazaki #thetaleofprincesskaguya #fromuponpoppyhill #castleinthesky #food #foodporn
#foodporn #Food #castleinthesky #fromuponpoppyhill #thetaleofprincesskaguya #hayaomiyazaki #SpiritedAway #Anime #スタジオジブリ #studioghibli #ghibli
I just watched From Up on Poppy Hill (2011) #FromUpOnPoppyHill #trakt
The view what we need every morning, wake up and look at the sea from the hill.
Anime: From Up On Poppy Hill (2011).
#ghibli #studioghibli #スタジオを #anime #fromuponpoppyhill #wallpaper #desktopwallpaper
#desktopwallpaper #wallpaper #fromuponpoppyhill #Anime #スタジオを #studioghibli #ghibli
To brave the road ahead, keep someone by your side.
Anime: From Up On Poppy Hill (2011).
#fromuponpoppyhill #Anime #スタジオジブリ #studioghibli #ghibli
Perhaps when I finally get around to rewatching it, it won't stand up but #FromUpOnPoppyHill was one of my first encounters with Slice of Life anime and, as such, is probably my favourite #StudioGhibli film. #UnpopularOpinions
#fromuponpoppyhill #studioghibli #unpopularopinions
One of life's simplest pleasures is sharing food with a friend.
#ghibli #studioghibli #スタジオジブリ #anime #food #spiritedaway #laputa #castleinthesky #fromuponpoppyhill #kaguya
#kaguya #fromuponpoppyhill #castleinthesky #laputa #SpiritedAway #Food #Anime #スタジオジブリ #studioghibli #ghibli
Every place—and everyone—has the potential to be great.
Anime: From Up on Poppy Hill (2011).
#Anime #fromuponpoppyhill #スタジオズブリ #studioghibli #ghibli