I'm back home now after a month in Bhutan. Still have a few terabytes of pix and vids to crunch. Feeling a little "all at sea", with my head still stuck somewhere between the Himalayas and home.
#Bhutan #Photography #GreenScene #Lumix #LittleThingsMatter #LightAndLeaves #FrondsAsFriends
#bhutan #photography #greenscene #lumix #littlethingsmatter #lightandleaves #frondsasfriends
Most of my photos from Bhutan this month have been taken at the side of the road. You can't really tell of course. That's the joy of bokeh.
#Bhutan #Photography #GreenScene #Lumix #LittleThingsMatter #LightAndLeaves #FrondsAsFriends
#bhutan #photography #greenscene #lumix #littlethingsmatter #lightandleaves #frondsasfriends