We've all been taught that for every buyer their must be a seller, right? Well not exactly.
Enter a #cartel.
If a cartel serves almost every single online #bitcoinExchange, as does #Cloudflare, then at the very least they can #frontRun trades.
Beyond that they can do a range of things at key moments to manipulate prices that would make true #priceDiscovery far more difficult — maybe impossible.
#priceManipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microTransactions #algorithmicTrading
#cartel #bitcoinexchange #cloudflare #frontRun #priceDiscovery #pricemanipulation #cloudflareIsTheMalware #microtransactions #algorithmicTrading
Don't make the Game stop.
(Seriously though, never use the tools they give you to try and bring them down. It's the #JeffreyEpsteinClass we are dealing with. The #stockMarket is engineered so they hardly have a bad day. A year ago who pulled their stocks from the market and sold their NewYork flat?)
#GameStop #pun #SEC #CIA #robinhood #frontRun #stockMarket #confidenceTrick
#jeffreyEpsteinClass #stockmarket #gamestop #pun #sec #cia #robinhood #frontRun #confidenceTrick