Join us at #HugoConf2023 to learn how to separate your #GoHugoIO site content & keep it all in sync with Elio Struyf from #frontmattercms 🐝
This will let contributors edit content without fiddling with source code & accidentally breaking it! 🙌
Sign up here:
#hugoconf2023 #gohugoio #frontmattercms
@Mayank @arnandegans @ThatBlairGuy @classicpress I've heard of #frontmattercms, haven't had a chance to try it out - will take a deeper look!
@arnandegans @ThatBlairGuy @davidshq @classicpress
1. You should write for other high traffic, high profile sites too. (10-20 percent of your best posts)
2. Look into #HugoCMS or #AstroJS while using #frontmattercms (vs code extension)
#hugocms #astrojs #frontmattercms