@cellpress TMEM106B is associated with brain aging; myelination disorders; and several neurodegenerative diseases, including #frontotemporallobardegeneration (FTLD), #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis (ALS), #Alzheimersdisease, & #Parkinsonsdisease. Multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms in TMEM106B have been linked to the severity of these disorders,with an association between risk alleles and increased TMEM106B expression. Different #SARSCoV2 isolates can use TMEM106B for infection
#frontotemporallobardegeneration #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #alzheimersdisease #ParkinsonsDisease #SarsCoV2
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#dementia #aging #UnHappyHolidays
My husband has an early onset form of dementia.
It’s #FrontoTemporalLobarDegeneration behavioral variant or #FTDbv.
My 31 year old daughter invited him home for the holidays.
He’s been in a skilled nursing facility #SNF for two months and he begs to come home.
I tell him constantly, truthfully, I want nothing more than that.
I can’t keep him safe.
He won’t want to go back.
My poor daughter doesn’t understand.
I just needed to say that.
#dementia #aging #unhappyholidays #frontotemporallobardegeneration #ftdbv #snf