Speaking to Breitbart News host Joel Pollak, Kennedy highlighted the fact that “there is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys,” no matter how aggressively they touted their agenda as being positive.
As someone who has borne the brunt of censorship firsthand, Kennedy says that free speech and the First Amendment are vital to a healthy, well-functioning America.
RFK Jr. Ain’t messing around! He’s already calling out Bill Gates and the WEF!!!
Biden’s Kryptonite- RFK Jr.
Imagine that! A Democrat that’s Against things Patriots are Against!!!
UTA FrontRunner turned 15! #RideTheTrain #FrontRunner #birthday #UTA
#ridethetrain #frontrunner #birthday #uta
Sieben Jülicher Forscher gehören zu den weltweit am häufigsten zitierten Wissenschaftler:innen: Prof. Simon Eickhoff (#Neurowissenschaften), Prof. Björn Usadel (#Bioinformatik), Dr. Hendrik Poorter (#Pflanzenwissenschaften), Prof. Thomas Kirchartz (#Photovoltaik), Prof. Michael Saliba, (#FRONTRUNNER), Prof. Wulf Amelung (#Agrosphärenforschung) sowie Prof. Christoph Brabec (#ErneuerbareEnergien).
#HighlyCitedResearcher gelistet.
#neurowissenschaften #Bioinformatik #pflanzenwissenschaften #photovoltaik #frontrunner #agrospharenforschung #erneuerbareenergien #highlycitedresearcher
Family blindsided after marketing company, funeral home cash in on father's obituary | CBC News https://bit.ly/3v0F2oO #Funeral #Obituary #Frontrunner #Memorial #cdnpoli
#frontrunner #cdnpoli #obituary #memorial #funeral
RT @CapaTosta122@twitter.com
Bernie's addressing overflow crowd outside before taking the main stage in NH! #Bernie2020 #Frontrunner https://twitter.com/CapaTosta122/status/1178378578796466178
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CapaTosta122/status/1178379391015034886