The fascism grows slowly over time and then accelerates.

The do employ various methods like , astroturf and (read: bribes) to coopt the leaders. To some leaders they give inside advice to control them (see , ). These are the coercive underhanded methods.

Then there's abrupt and overt measures like banning, murdering, dissappearing, bombing.

There's a lot to back this up, now.


#vestedInterests #lobbying #politicalDonations #investment #frontrunning #insidetrading

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, the way was handled was akin to here in , a lot of crap no one needed.

There are stories of the establishment the and divesting from and selling etc.

Funny how when there were no masks to sell the told us we didn't need them. Anyone with half a braincell used what they could to mask up.

#COVID19 #disastercapitalism #australia #frontrunning #pandemic #innerCities #stocks #establishment #Bailout2p0 #anyExcuseWillDo #repoScandal

Last updated 4 years ago

The other day when we visited they had a banner asking for support. It was weird because they are supposedly , which implies… …certain things.

If they are getting confused they need to find a way to reign that in.

One of the main gripes we have with the site is its served by .

Funny how most are also now Cloudflare and today traders are complaining about . *wink*


#bitcoiners #cloudflare #bitcoinExchanges #outages #bitcoin #frontrunning #centralisation

Last updated 4 years ago

Some blockchains do provide and combined with the standard , would help to provide privacy.

What we see is all exchanges requiring google and cloucHore javascript to operate. It does smell of , but it's probably worse than this, eg. intel, ability to bring down the crypto entry points etc.

Not good.

#plausibleDeniability #onionrouting #masssurveillance #frontrunning

Last updated 4 years ago

Why is it that so many parts of the network like and third-party wallet infrastructures, appear to be controlled by and/or ?

It's as though Google and/or Cloucflare want to control and analyse the network in a big way. *wink*


#bitcoin #exchanges #google #Cloucflare #notochrome #surviellance #resistance #monopoly #oligarchy #boycottgoogle #bitcoincore #opensource #frontrunning #bernie2020 #tooBigToExist #decentralisation

Last updated 5 years ago