The fascism grows slowly over time and then accelerates.
The #vestedInterests do employ various methods like #lobbying, astroturf and #politicalDonations (read: bribes) to coopt the leaders. To some leaders they give inside #investment advice to control them (see #frontrunning, #insideTrading). These are the coercive underhanded methods.
Then there's abrupt and overt measures like banning, murdering, dissappearing, bombing.
There's a lot to back this up, now.
#vestedInterests #lobbying #politicalDonations #investment #frontrunning #insidetrading
Yes, the way #COVID19 was handled was akin to #DisasterCapitalism here in #Australia, a lot of crap no one needed.
There are stories of the establishment #frontRunning the #pandemic and divesting from #innerCities and selling #stocks etc.
Funny how when there were no masks to sell the #establishment told us we didn't need them. Anyone with half a braincell used what they could to mask up.
#COVID19 #disastercapitalism #australia #frontrunning #pandemic #innerCities #stocks #establishment #Bailout2p0 #anyExcuseWillDo #repoScandal
The other day when we visited they had a banner asking for support. It was weird because they are supposedly #bitcoiners, which implies… …certain things.
If they are getting confused they need to find a way to reign that in.
One of the main gripes we have with the site is its served by #Cloudflare.
Funny how most #bitcoinExchanges are also now Cloudflare and today traders are complaining about #outages. *wink*
#bitcoiners #cloudflare #bitcoinExchanges #outages #bitcoin #frontrunning #centralisation
Some blockchains do provide #plausibleDeniability and combined with the standard #onionRouting, would help to provide privacy.
What we see is all exchanges requiring google and cloucHore javascript to operate. It does smell of #massSurveillance, but it's probably worse than this, eg. #frontRunning intel, ability to bring down the crypto entry points etc.
Not good.
#plausibleDeniability #onionrouting #masssurveillance #frontrunning
This #lecture from 1999 may blow your mind.
Know thy enemy
#michaelParenti #profMichaelParenti #knowYourEnemy #militaryIndustrialMediaComplex #mimc #militaryMediaComplex #securityState #war #antiwar #stockMarket #frontrunning #landHoldings #economicRents #rentSeeking #moneyPrinting #socialismForTheRich #boeing #owningClass #blackstone #workerExploitation #refugeeChurning #refugeeProduction
#lecture #MichaelParenti #profMichaelParenti #knowyourenemy #militaryIndustrialMediaComplex #mimc #militaryMediaComplex #securitystate #war #antiwar #stockmarket #frontrunning #landHoldings #economicRents #rentSeeking #moneyPrinting #socialismfortherich #boeing #owningClass #blackstone #workerExploitation #refugeeChurning #refugeeProduction
Why is it that so many parts of the #bitcoin network like #exchanges and third-party wallet infrastructures, appear to be controlled by #Google and/or #Cloucflare?
It's as though Google and/or Cloucflare want to control and analyse the network in a big way. *wink*
#notochrome #surviellance #resistance #monopoly #oligarchy #boycottGoogle #bitcoincore #opensource #frontrunning #bernie2020 #tooBigToExist #decentralisation
#bitcoin #exchanges #google #Cloucflare #notochrome #surviellance #resistance #monopoly #oligarchy #boycottgoogle #bitcoincore #opensource #frontrunning #bernie2020 #tooBigToExist #decentralisation