Retuned to Carpenter Nature Center this morning to continue our Frosty 40 challenge of moving outdoors in wintertime by foot, ski or snowshoe, 40 miles in 40 days. Added another 2.20 miles.
Loved getting to see the animal tracks in the snow. Tracks tell a lot. Taller animals don’t have tummies that drag the ground. Smaller animals may carve a path or hop, leaving something other than a footprint. Sometimes, you just gotta wonder what they were doing.
#frosty40 #hiking #mnastodon #outdoors
Added another 2.28 miles to my Frosty 40 challenge this morning snowshoeing at Carpenter Nature Center in Washington County.
Folks, don’t let cold weather and snow keep you inside. Let it get you outside. It’s a whole other world in wintertime.
#CarpenterNatureCenter #CNC #Frosty40 #MNastodon #Snowshoeing #WashingtonCounty #WashCo
#carpenternaturecenter #cnc #frosty40 #mnastodon #snowshoeing #washingtoncounty #washco