My realisation I never saw the second Frozen film led to my watching the second Frozen film and, wow, the second Frozen film is really really bad.
Yes it does have some nice music but the plot, ending and weird pro-homeopathy, naturalist fallacy elements are head scratching.
Full 80s power ballad was the goal when Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez wrote #JonathanGroff a solo in #Frozen2
#DisneyAnimation took that as inspiration and made a classic #80s video.
#RobertLopez #kristenandersonlopez #80s #disneyanimation #frozen2 #jonathangroff
Many years late, but I finally saw #Frozen2. It's a fun enough movie if you don't think about it too hard. Which is shame, because the first one has a lot going on under the hood. The sequel seems less well thought out and the spectacle doesn't live up to it's predecessor either.
¡MARIO SIGUE HACIENDO HISTORIA! 🍄 #SuperMarioBros: La Película se convierte en la SEGUNDA CINTA ANIMADA más taquillera de todos los tiempos. Con $1289MDD, la producción de #Illumination supera a #Frozen ($1284MDD) y queda atrás de #Frozen2, que lidera el ranking con $1454MDD 🤑
#supermariobros #illumination #frozen #frozen2
Mesmerized by #Frozen2 with @robbie, magical tale of self-discovery amongst ice and nature. #LetItGo, embrace change! #TransformationTuesday #MovieNight #RobbieRobot #BitBook
#frozen2 #letitgo #transformationtuesday #movienight #robbierobot #bitbook
Wait, why did nobody tell me before now that so much of the Frozen 2 soundtrack reads like a trans allegory? (Especially Show Yourself and Into the Unknown)
"I can hear you, but I won't" - resisting egg cracking
"You are the one you've been waiting for, all of your life" "Grow yourself, into something new"
#SuperMarioMovie sigue como la película No. 1 en #Mexico y otros países, además de que ya rompió otro récord de #Frozen2 :3.
#supermariomovie #mexico #frozen2
#SuperMarioBrosMovie ya supera en taquilla a cintas como #AntManAndTheWaspQuantumania; y los debuts de #Frozen2 y #Transformers Revenge of the Fallen :3.
#supermariobrosmovie #antmanandthewaspquantumania #frozen2 #transformers
#TheSuperMarioBrosMovie rompe récords. Con 377,5 millones global en 5 días, supera a #Frozen2 como el mayor estreno de animación de la historia.
#thesupermariobrosmovie #frozen2
kid's Blue Diamond Leggings great for summer
(also comes in pink)
#elsa #frozen #frozen2 #yoga #yogapants #leggings #youth #kids #children #yogakids #kidsleggings #youthleggings #hippieworks™ #hippieworks
#hippieworks #youthleggings #kidsleggings #yogakids #children #kids #youth #leggings #yogapants #yoga #frozen2 #frozen #elsa
Piccola giostra #MastoCover #MastoRadio #MastoMetaTour
Saltate insieme a me in questa giostra 😃
Oggi ho scelto la simpatica canzone #IntodiUnknown interpretata in originale da #IdinaMezel per il famoso (e per me insignificante, dico la verità) #Frozen2 :
#mastocover #mastoradio #mastometatour #intodiunknown #idinamezel #frozen2
3. The Dies Irae theme that plays shortly after these lyrics as we reach the climax of the song (a musical leitmotif that features prominently in @DisneyFrozen 's #Frozen2 )
I haven't seen 'Frozen II', but I have it on my list. It's important to remember that colonialism is a global system (of systems) that is ongoing, AND ongoing in Europe (and not just with the Sámi). Check out Hoot's video as she breaks down the good and the bad, attempts and misfires of Disney's follow-up to the mega-hit 'Frozen'. It's a great video, you should watch it, and you should do it because tomorrow (February 6) is Sámi National Day. And cultural learnings are never wrong. Lots of resources in the video description as well.
#SámiNationalDay #Sámi #Sámpi #LandBack #Disney #Frozen #Frozen2 #FirstNations
#saminationalday #sami #sampi #Landback #disney #frozen #frozen2 #firstnations
I saw this #bruni in the checkout lane, and I had to have him. His paws have magnets on them so they clamp together. I already got Brunis from two friends for Christmas, so he's another add to my collection. #disneyland #frozen2 #magicisback #magicishere
#bruni #disneyland #frozen2 #magicisback #MagicIsHere
Disney Elsa − Scentsy Buddy
This spirited snow queen has the power to create ice and snow — and a flurry of fun. What kind of magic will you make together? Each Elsa – Scentsy Buddy comes with a Scent Pak in The North Calls, one of our exclusive fragrances inspired by Disney’s Frozen 2.
#disney #elsa #frozen #Frozen2
#frozen2 #frozen #elsa #disney
Disney Elsa − Scentsy Buddy
This spirited snow queen has the power to create ice and snow — and a flurry of fun. What kind of magic will you make together? Each Elsa – Scentsy Buddy comes with a Scent Pak in The North Calls, one of our exclusive fragrances inspired by Disney’s Frozen 2.
#disney #elsa #frozen #Frozen2
#frozen2 #frozen #elsa #disney
“A piece of ice.” - The Taming of the Shrew (Act 4, Scene 1)
Theme: Winter
#ShakespeareSunday #Frozen2
#Frozen2 is basically the #FifthElement which is basically #CaptainPlanet.
#frozen2 #fifthelement #captainplanet #silly #movies #tv #joke #jokes #humor