by #KellyTyko in #Axios:
"Frozen fruit products sold at major retailers including Walmart, Target, Whole Foods Market, Aldi and Trader Joe’s stores are being recalled for potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination."
#recall #FrozenFruit #Walmart #Target #WholeFoodsMarket #Aldi #TraderJoes #Listeria
#kellytyko #axios #recall #frozenfruit #walmart #target #wholefoodsmarket #aldi #traderjoes #listeria
When a sudden desire for apple juice strikes you...
... but you will have to wait a bit before you can drink it.
Last year's apple harvest was crazy. I gave away many big supermarket bags filled to bursting and I still ended up making more juice and compote than in any other year. Two big freezer drawers are still more than half-filled with juice, compote and individually frozen apple slices.
Still, as luxury problems go, it's a nice one to have.
#frozenfruit #freezer #applejuice #Apple
O frozen strawberries of recent past
We grieve for your bitter repast
Your sweet flavor now tinged with fear
Your brilliant hue that brings a tear
Oh how we long for days that were
When pure you glowed and posed no fear
But now your fate has been foretold
As we ponder in bleak a fold
Your sour future left us mourning
And the cause for deep discerning
Hepatitis A - a deadly foe
Our sorrow now our conversation knows
#frozenfruit #hepatitisa #recall #cdc #ode #poetry
#frozenfruit #hepatitisa #recall #cdc #ode #poetry