Sonic Youth, 'Washing Machine (Live)" #FrozenPipes
Maybe I won’t use heat this year… #FrozenPipes #Winter #Photography
#photography #winter #frozenpipes
Time to put the hose away for winter… #FrozenPipes #Winter #photography
#photography #winter #frozenpipes
Whenever there is a #water #emergency from #FrozenPipes to outdated #infrastructure to #drought - there is also an #InfantFeeding emergency #IYCFE - a huge reason why #lactation #breastfeeding support is critical (both in emergencies and every day) as it provides #FoodSecurity #WaterSecurity for infants and why #IYCFE MUST be integrated into emergency planning. Resources below in thread.
#water #emergency #frozenpipes #infrastructure #drought #infantfeeding #iycfe #lactation #breastfeeding #foodsecurity #watersecurity
We use heat tape on the well line, but it's a tad impractical on EVERY water pipe. Once we took a trip in January and our tub faucet had a drip. Our sewer line froze going to the septic tank! We literally just had to pack up and leave until Spring. #weather #freeze #FrozenPipes
We had a minor victory just before Christmas; the pipe feeding the washer froze and we successfully thawed it. It's a longer term problem, though, as that pipe is on an exterior wall and it's not something one can just "let drip" during the coldest days.
Frank uncoupled the washer hose and hooked up the garden hose to the water supply so that we can drip it into the nearest sink.
There it is, hopefully the only frozen burst pipe call of the season.
They failed to insulate pipe/unhook hose/run tap in the back, farthest the street... literally their One Job. :PikachuFacePalm:
#neworleans #frozenpipes #pipecicles
#pipecicles #frozenpipes #neworleans
Global News BC: ‘Wintry mix’ of snow, frigid temperatures forecast for Lower Mainland this weekend #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #coldweatherwarning #Winterpreparation #ColdWeather #frozenpipes #pipesfreeze #WinterTires #BCweather #coldalert #SnowTires #Weather #BCcold
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #coldweatherwarning #Winterpreparation #coldweather #frozenpipes #pipesfreeze #WinterTires #BCweather #coldalert #SnowTires #Weather #BCcold