Endlich #HorizonZeroDawn durchgespielt. War echt schön, aber auch stellenweise sehr beklemmend, gerade in der Zeit wo weltweit Wälder in Flammen aufgehen.
Jetzt noch #FrozenWilds hinterher und wenn irgendwann mal ne PS5 da ist, dann kommt noch #HorizonForbiddenWest . Da freue ich mich schon sehr drauf.
#horizonzerodawn #frozenwilds #horizonforbiddenwest
Thank you for all your comments on my #Barbie article. I will answer them as soon as I have some more free time.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for my #FrozenWilds article coming soon!
That's a wrap on #FrozenWilds ! Now it's time to kick Helis out of the Sundom!
Funny, my aeticle for this DLC is aleady done, but it won't be up until after my thoughts on the main game are live. #HorizonZeroDawn #videogames
#frozenwilds #horizonzerodawn #videogames
Several years late to the party, but finally tackling the #FrozenWilds Horizon: Zero Dawn expansion.
Hey, hello! We're doin' this again! Only this time, I might actually know what I'm doing. Maybe. C'mon on and join me!
#HorizonZeroDawn #NoCamera #FrozenWilds #Gamer #CaptionsOn
#horizonzerodawn #nocamera #frozenwilds #gamer #captionson
Hey, hello, good evening! Game night in the studio once again, and I'm hopefully going to get Aloy out of this Banuk hellscape.
#Gamer #CaptionsOn #NoCamera #HardMode #HorizonZeroDawn #FrozenWilds
#gamer #captionson #nocamera #hardmode #horizonzerodawn #frozenwilds
Coming back “Horizon: Zero Dawn” to start the “Frozen Wilds” DLC for the first time.
I feel so giddy getting to come back to one of my all time favorite games for more adventures with Aloy.
I will say that I miss the accessibility options from “Forbidden West”, but this series is stunning.
#horizonzerodawn #frozenwilds #playstation #gaming
Je kiffe toujours autant ces descentes en rappel. ^^ #HorizonZeroDawn #FrozenWilds #PS4share
#horizonzerodawn #frozenwilds #ps4share