One of the big reasons I'm bullish on the future of Mastodon as a platform is because it is open source. I've seen recently how an open source system can quickly go into an entrenched market and upend the status quo to the benefit of users.
It's time to learn about RC radio systems for drones and model airplanes!
#OpenSource #RC #Mastodon #Radio #RF #ExpressLRS #Spektrum #FRSky
#opensource #rc #mastodon #radio #rf #expresslrs #Spektrum #frsky
One of the big reasons I'm bullish on the future of Mastodon as a platform is because it is open source. I've seen recently how an open source system can quickly go into an entrenched market and upend the status quo to the benefit of users.
It's time to learn about RC radio systems for drones and model airplanes!
#OpenSource #RC #Mastodon #Radio #RF #ExpressLRS #Spektrum #FRSky
#opensource #rc #mastodon #radio #rf #expresslrs #Spektrum #frsky
habe monatelang immer mal wieder versucht diesen #Quadcopter mit #FlySky-Empfänger mit meiner #FrSky #Taranis zu verbinden (mittels multi-proto-Adapters)
hat nie geklappt (keine Probleme hingegen mit nem FlySky-Flugzeug)
jetzt kapituliert und nen XM reingelötet, tut sofort!
#quadcopter #flysky #frsky #taranis
#FrSky #Xlite pro - reviewed by
so now there's a #multiprotocol #module for the #FrSky #XLite...
iRangeX iRX4 Lite Multiprotocol Module Review by Albert Kim (
#xlite #multiprotocol #module #frsky
anyone in need of a laugh?
#TBS (previously had a quasi monopoly on digital 900mHz-RC-Systems) claim's that it's cheap chinese stuff get's ripped of by #FrSky (now selling cheaper, chinese stuff)
"ZOMG! Their 900mHz-Dipole-Antenna looks like ours!"
And then banning people who sell FrSky-products from selling TBS-Stuff? That's just evil and bad style.