I'm participating in a Frugal Frock Challenge. Unfortunately, I can't find anyone who did it last year so, I have to make my own.
What I remember from last year was that one had to use everything from their stash. No new patterns, no new fabric, and no extra supplies were allowed. Pattern hacking/ Frankensteining and scrap busting is encouraged. The point was to creatively declutter.
Since all my patterns are self drafted, they're already free, but in the spirit of the challenge, I'm gonna Frankenstein some patterns, and use no fabric that's been in my stash for less than six months. Wish me luck.
#stashbusting #patternhacking #frugalfrockchallenge #adventuresinsewing #dressmaking #sewing #buynothing #sewingproject
#stashbusting #patternhacking #frugalfrockchallenge #adventuresinsewing #dressmaking #sewing #buynothing #sewingproject