Steve & Ben spend a day a week knocking doors on their estate offering to plant free fruit trees in folks' gardens. Today, they are out with fruit bushes looking for new homes.
They've had a brilliant response, and it's opened up many wonderful connections and conversations about traditional food crops amongst their diverse community.
Residents will have fresh fruit on their doorstep at zero cost. The group also offer workshops in thrifty growing and caring for fruit trees.
It's a direct response to the #costoflivingcrisis that also improves climate & biodiversity.
Here's what Steve says: "The most direct way of addressing food poverty is getting together with friends, family and community and growing it. It's surprisingly easy, it starts with a conversation over a brew. Be that person who puts the kettle on and invites folk round." ❤️
Delighted we could support Community Roots Permaculture Project with a Transition Together seed-funding grant, supported by @tnlcommunityfund.
Read more about the impact of communities planting trees:
#urbangrowing #foodpoverty #growyourown #fruittrees #fruitbushes #permaculture #bolton #fooddesert #transitiontown #transition #foodsystem #costofliving #communityaction #climateaction
#costoflivingcrisis #urbangrowing #Foodpoverty #growyourown #fruittrees #fruitbushes #permaculture #bolton #fooddesert #transitiontown #transition #foodsystem #CostOfLiving #CommunityAction #ClimateAction