Pathetic Trumputin is the apple in the eye of #Putin
#Frump is "signaling" Putin to help in hack the 2024 election, just like Putin did for him in 2016.
Tuck Frump, Tuck Tucker Farlson, and Tuck Tox News:
What's funnier than Jenna TrafficCourt Ellis being indicted in Georgia? The fact that #Frump is refusing to pay her legal fees from his slush fund "PAC" 😎
@knittingknots2 Since #Frump is crowing about all his "legal wins" can't someone sue him for fraud for lying to his donors? They're paying his legal bills, after all, and he's misleading them about the outcomes... A few hundred of us could donate $1 each (don't want to give him any useful sums) and then form a class to sue him (since we know his "serious" donors are koolaid drinkers who'd never hold him to account.)
@davidtoddmccarty Yes. Mere mortals deserve respect and dignity, even in punishment. #Frump has shown himself to be so lacking of those qualities in his treatment of others that he doesn't deserve them in his prosecution and punishment. Follow the law, give him the max, forget him in a cell somewhere.
@stylinstainless @Lazarou This right here. This is what #Frump is squealing about as well... Anyone halfway paying attention comes to the same conclusion you did "Well, if I were a corrupt traitor selling out my countrymen for a grift like you, I'd hope they could prosecute me too!"
@shawnwegner Ronnie GogoGaloshes is all emo on finding out that #Frump changes his lies to serve him in the moment.
Geez, why do I bother #dating? Signed, #middleaged, #disabled, #mentallyill, #awkeard, #frump
#dating #MiddleAged #disabled #mentallyill #awkeard #frump
From today's "enemy of my enemy" file: This morning, apparently in response to #Frump's rabid ravings on "truth" social, Rick Wilson said (among other things) that #FatNixon is a "low, loathsome, corrupt, venal, mendacious scumbag" and I think that's a great way to end the weekend. 💕
@Devilstower #Frump needs a Reality Winner sized penalty for EACH of the documents. Served consecutively.
@davidtoddmccarty I don't think he's a brilliant man by any means, but he's certainly more cunning than his fawning sycophantic tongue-bathing of #Frump would suggest. You can't succeed while being that judgmental and self-righteous without some higher mental functions.
@w7voa Why do people like Christie and Pence think they have a shot? Even if they could get around #Frump for the R nomination, they're each such detestable creeps they'd never win. They've been laughed out of this rodeo before. The only reason Pence got within a heartbeat of the presidency is that he has the special ability to fawn convincingly over #FatNixon and was too much of a worm to stab him in the back.
@copter_chief Oh now that's delicious... recorded? Sweaty Rudy Hairdye will hopefully roll on #Frump and they can share a cell...
Finally watched #whitelotus #season2 and then caught wind of all the dunking on #Portia for her aimless #chuegy #frump and my takeaway is that somehow the mockery of GenZ was on the nose in a way that really stung.
Like the way this... Stings me:
#whitelotus #season2 #portia #chuegy #frump
@lucifermorningstar Let's be realistic. The MAGAts believe Nazis were socialists because "it says socialist right there in the name!" and also believe #Frump's tax grift is equitable. They failed to learn anything in school and now refuse to acknowledge any information source from which they might accidentally learn something. Wilfully, intentionally, stubbornly ignorant.