#Sondaggi #ElSalvador #Presidenziali
Sondaggio di CEC-UFG:
Nayib #Bukele (#NI|Bukelisti): 68%
Joel #Sánchez (#ARENA|Destra): 4%
Manuel #Flores (#FMLN|Sinistra): 3%
Luis #Parada (#NT|Centro-sinistra): 2%
Javier #Renderos (#FS|Destra): 1,5%
Non so: 12%
Nessuno: 9%
Data rilevazione: 15-21 agosto
Intervistati: 1920
#sondaggi #elsalvador #presidenziali #bukele #ni #sanchez #arena #Flores #fmln #parada #nt #renderos #fs
The antonomy of #XFS #fsync https://dev.to/yugabyte/the-anatomy-of-xfs-fsync-4ael #fs #linux #filesystem #kernel
#xfs #fsync #fs #linux #filesystem #kernel
Well, #FS impressed me this time.
WiFi passwords fix in pipeline.
Who knew quoting the spec at them would have worked :-)
🇪🇺#EUNAVFOR bid farewell 🇫🇷#FS #BEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRE. During her participation in #OperationAtalanta, the ship has contributed to maintaining security and freedom of navigation in the Area of Operations. BZ! @MarineNationale @FFEAU_ALINDIEN @eu_eeas @FFDJ_Officiel @Armees_Gouv https://t.co/gl3ZtnBbu3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUNAVFOR/status/1670401606376980480
#Eunavfor #fs #BEAUTEMPS #OperationAtalanta
A pet peeve I have is that even among developers, the concept of Unix file permissions is not well understood, purely out of laziness to learn it and not out of some intrinsic complexity.
Too often I see code that just uses 777 for everything! Ugh, it drives me genuinely mad!
#unix #fs #development #petpeeve
Risolti i problemi sulla linea #AV ma non quelli dei #regionali.
Questione di #priorità?
#FS #trenitalia #pendolari
#av #regionali #PRIORITA #fs #trenitalia #pendolari
One of my dear colleagues @ FUSS will hold a very important and interesting #event concerning #privacy and #education @ https://fuss.bz.it/post/2023-06-13_puavo-fuss/. It will be a lovely meeting between an 🇮🇹 and a 🇫🇮 reality in the field of #free #school techlogies. Sign up && be there!
#digitalSustainability #FLOSS #dataPrivacy #FS #publicAdministration #freeSchool #IT #DigiTalk
#event #privacy #education #free #school #digitalsustainability #floss #dataprivacy #fs #publicadministration #freeschool #it #DigiTalk
après beaucoup d'efforts d'optimisation, j'ai pu retaper mon architecture de fichiers et supprimer des tas de fichiers disparates des homes de mon ordi perso, de nextcloud et de l'ordi de travail.
c'est peut être un détail pour vous, mais pour moi mais ça veut dire beaucoup.
Rete #5G: accordo tra #Governo e #FS
#ferroviedellostato #news #tfnews #italia #23maggio #wifi #tecnologia #connettività #connessione
#5g #governo #fs #ferroviedellostato #news #tfnews #italia #23maggio #wifi #tecnologia #connettivita #connessione
So maybe I can fix this without calling freedom scientific. I upgraded my RAM and now JAWS won't activate. We use an ILM server, and the env var is set. Anything I can do to fix this?
#jaws #fs #accessibility #Windows
Time to let go of some hardware: https://reverb.com/item/67486389-e-mu-systems-mo-phatt-rackmount-64-voice-expandable-synthesizer
L’incidente ferroviario in Grecia e la responsabilità dell’UE
Il primo ministro greco Kyriakos Mitsotakis ha dichiarato dopo il grave incidente ferroviario avvenuto nella valle di Tempi sulla linea Atene - Salonicco: "Scopriremo le cause di questa tragedia".
Certamente esiste un "fattore scatenante" attua
#Apertura #Trasporti #austerità #fs #Grecia #incidenteferroviario
#apertura #trasporti #austerita #fs #grecia #incidenteferroviario
Das #Eisenbahnunglück in #Griechenland und die Verantwortung der #EU
Auf Druck des Spardiktats von EU und #IMF wurde die griechische #Bahn für einen Spottpreis an die italienische #FS verhökert, das Schienennetz wurde ausgedünnt, Straßennetz und Flughäfen wurden ausgebaut, auch zugunsten der deutschen #Fraport.
#Bürgerbahn Denkfabrik #Lunapark21 #WinfriedWolf #Autowahn #HellenicTrain #Eisenbahn #railblog #Verkehrswende
#verkehrswende #railblog #eisenbahn #hellenictrain #autowahn #winfriedwolf #lunapark21 #burgerbahn #fraport #fs #bahn #imf #eu #griechenland #eisenbahnungluck
To be able to link many object files, we must be able to read them! Of course, there is `std::fs`, but we want to be fast right? So let's use mmap.
Oh, it's not available everywhere. So let's use a file picker, don't you mind, which will select the best implementation for your platform.
And here is `weld-file`, https://github.com/Hywan/weld/compare/7556abeb5d80f015e92634d8b9a6c1494e815b9e...f19d8bae61ef61c443d974bcf3d0a3101a69e7b3.
So far, it supports `std::fs` and `mmap`, more is coming
There is a `FileReader` trait, that reads the content async.
#weld #rustlang #file #mmap #fs
Sottopassi: le FS vogliono
autorizzazioni entro il 6 marzo
#pareridistorti #mantova #FS #sottopassi #portacerese #tebrunetti #gambarara #espropri #barriere #asfalti #cunicoli #approvazione #pgt #consigliocomunale #residenti #fotononmie #fotodallarete
#pareridistorti #Mantova #fs #sottopassi #portacerese #tebrunetti #gambarara #espropri #barriere #asfalti #cunicoli #approvazione #pgt #consigliocomunale #residenti #fotononmie #fotodallarete
De académico famoso a dandi de caricatura y de ahí a delincuente sexual.
Con un francés buenísimo, eso sí.
Today we noticed that we hit 100 stars in our Quick Jibri Installer repository on GitHub.
Very grateful to everyone involved in its development and maintenance.
We continue to wish you safe conferences.
Stampa Rassegnata 211 1-7Gen https://radiowombat.net/stampa-rassegnata-211-1-7gen/ #attraversamentoinsuperficie #trasportopubblicolocale #stazionesotterranea #generalcontractor #ministrotoninelli #StampaRassegnata #viacircondaria #costibenefici #altavelocità #campodimarte #doppiotunnel #terrediscavo #vialeCorsica #grandiopere #pontealpino #trenitalia #nardella #macelli #crolli #tunnel #giani #NoTav #scavi #talpa #tram #m5s #rfi #fs
#fs #rfi #m5s #tram #talpa #scavi #notav #giani #tunnel #crolli #macelli #nardella #trenitalia #pontealpino #grandiopere #vialecorsica #terrediscavo #doppiotunnel #campodimarte #altavelocità #costibenefici #viacircondaria #StampaRassegnata #ministrotoninelli #generalcontractor #stazionesotterranea #trasportopubblicolocale #attraversamentoinsuperficie
If you’re looking for an alternative to Chokidar that doesn’t use any native modules for file system watching in Node.js, take a look at Watcher:
#javascript #js #chokidar #watcher #fs #dev #nodejs