Oh onya, Straya ... pack of fscken #racist intolerant arseholes we are... yet again. 🙄 🤦♀️ 🤮
Yassmin Abdel-Magied, reprised. Yet we still lie to ourselves & the world that we're actually egalitarian, easy-going, matey, & respecters of the fair go. Fsck we disgust me.
#auspol #racism #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #FirstNations #FsckTheMonarchy #Invasion #colonisation #cruelty
#auspol #racism #weareselfishcruelbastards #racist #firstnations #fsckthemonarchy #invasion #colonisation #cruelty
>Republican protesters arrested by police ahead of King Charles's coronation procession
Oh damn! I'm parading back & forth across my loungeroom, & up & down my hallway, wearing protest banners & signage. I expect to be arrested at any moment...
#republic #fsckthemonarchy #whimsy #auspol
Right, no live tv for me tonight. Shall instead stream more episodes of #MayfairWitches
#mayfairwitches #fsckthemonarchy
@markhughes Yeah, nah, looks like those early-morn ABC RN radio news bulletins got it slightly wrong. Whereas they definitely spoke of the citizens' pledge being mandatory, i've now read the later-published/edited SMH & ABC Online articles, both of which use the softer concept of the pledge being by invitation, ie, voluntary.
IMO it's still comically stupid, just a tad less so than before. I mean, this dumb event combines two things whose popularity & relevance have been dropping like stones for yonks; monarchy & religion.
Pack of galahs.
#fsckthemonarchy #atheism #auspol #ukpol #nzpol
@markhughes On this morn's news i heard a simply astonishingly stupid thing. Apparently charlie-boy has inserted a specific new clause into the liturgy for his pathetically-pointless coronation, compelling, yes, that's right, mandating that ALL UK citizens, & ALL remaining commonwealth countries around the rock's citizens, stop whatever they're doing at a specific point in his wank-fest, to verbally, out aloud, pledge their allegiance to him. My instant response, once i stopped swearing at the radio, was basically...
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, yeah right.
#fsckthemonarchy #atheism #auspol #ukpol #nzpol