#Suicide #Logistics #Letters #Notes
Given my whole #Misanthropy #FailedTransition #Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #FsckWarmongers #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked shtick, the concept & practicalities of suicide is a frequent thought-companion of mine.
One of the myriad details over which i cogitate is the matter of leaving a suicide-note/s, or not. Would a simple bland One Note To Rule Them All suffice? Would it be better form to craft individual personalised notes to each of the half-handful of peeps for whom it'd be passingly relevant? Is there any point leaving any bloody thing? Would one settle scores, or nobley just turn one's other #atheist cheek?
How should any putative notes be conveyed? Handwritten on paper & left on the kitchen bench, in the event someone eventually wonders why the mail piled up & the grass became jungle, & forced* their way in for a look-see? Maybe one/more emails, left dangling in one's Outbox on a schedule to transmit after the deed is done? But then what if a blackout were to happen?
*Would they even need to force their way in? Would it be better to leave the front or back door unlocked, for easy ingress? But what then if the putative future entree was not cops or family, but instead thieves / vandals?
It really is a complex business, & this is ofc only lightly touching the surface. Maybe i need to invest the time to properly project-manage this, including ofc a decent #GanttChart & #CriticalPathAnalysis. I mean, i wouldn't want anyone to think i was just an amateur, ffs! ๐
#suicide #logistics #letters #notes #misanthropy #failedtransition #transphobia #homophobia #racism #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #atheist #ganttchart #criticalpathanalysis
Even today i still remember, with the same incredulous astonishment, all the vile torrents of bile spewed by the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing hateful #misogynists outraged that #JodieWhittaker was going to be #TheDoctor 13.
Next, i think back on the building teasing unrequited "will they won't they?" subplot arc between Yaz & The Doctor, & genuinely laugh out loud at the prospect of the additional outrage & indignation if indeed #DoctorWho had truly gone overtly #sapphic during Jodie's tenure.
Just imagine! All those original basement-dwelling low IQ misogynists would then have been joined by the equally stupid #Homophobes offended by overt #lesbian themes. Ho ho ho, their anger would have been just delightful, especially if some of them in their spittle-flecked apoplectic climaxes had then stroked-out.
#misogynists #jodiewhittaker #thedoctor #doctorwho #sapphic #homophobes #lesbian #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs
>Why Is There So Much Right-Wing Media?
Coz HEAPS of humans are myopic greedy selfish venal nasty egotistic racist *phobes who don't grasp that others' safety & happiness does not infringe their own.
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #fsckALLreligion #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs #Misanthropy
#weareselfishcruelbastards #fsckallreligion #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs #misanthropy
>"God is calling her"
So, she suffers from voices in her head & delusions of grandeur, for which sad malady instead of seeking appropriate medical assistance, she facilitated wielding the US "justice" system to wreak hateful vengeance on an innocent cohort of other citizens?
Top place, Merka, top place... ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
#Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #TransRightsAreHumanRights #GayRights #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs
#transphobia #homophobia #racism #transrightsarehumanrights #gayrights #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs
@prismnpen I'm not Merkan, so i admit right away that i'm probably misreading the vibe there, given i'm not part of Merkan culture.
That said, fwiw, it seems to me that #Pride peeps chanting those words was/is a pretty weird strategy, coz for their mocking sarcasm to actually work, it relies on the targeted hearers having sufficient functional neurons to actually parse the words, extract the sarcasm, then realise they've been mocked.
Surely that strategy utterly fails if, instead, the targeted hearers are so mind-numbingly stupid & venal that they simply cannot analyse it, & thus take it at face value, ie, literally. I mean, that they'd do this only adds to the comedy ofc, except for one... big... but...
But... *they're* the ones with the assault rifles, with the like-minded pollies, with the bought judges, with the Qanon idiocy et al. They're the ones currently with all the political power. Thus... doesn't this strategy merely make things even worse for we #LGBTQI peeps? ๐คทโโ๏ธ
#Transphobia #Homophobia #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs
#pride #lgbtqi #transphobia #homophobia #transrightsarehumanrights #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs
Beginning to think that possibly i should do one or other of:
1. Unpin my Mastodon tab/s in my browser & close it/them.
2. Delete my account/s then do no.1.
My life is joyless, hopeless, & pointless. All that reading toots, & weighing into chats, is doing is even further reinforcing my sense of personal self-loathing, & utter #Misanthropy at human venality greed nastiness et al. I mean, ffs, just for example:
#Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #FsckWarmongers
๐คทโโ๏ธ ๐คฆโโ๏ธ ๐ญ
#Coffee & #FOSS #Linux are lovely, & i can lose myself deep inside them for hours at a time, nevertheless, each & every time i take my eyes off the micro & remember the macro, it's all just so... so very... ugh.
#misanthropy #transphobia #homophobia #racism #transrightsarehumanrights #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #coffee #FOSS #Linux
@dgoldsmith All we're trying to do, is exist. I suppose "thrive" might be just too preposterously OTT an ask, but really, is "exist" truly such a bridge too far? I shall never ever understand why peeps live to hate others.
#Transphobia #Homophobia #LGBTQI #TransRightsAreHumanRights #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs
#transphobia #homophobia #lgbtqi #transrightsarehumanrights #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs
>If you don't vote them out then don't complain when all the immigrants leave your state & your businesses have no one to work for them.
Luckily he has nothing against #LGBTQI peeps, so it seems like there'll be heaps of new opportunities for us!
Oh, no, wait... ๐คญ
#Racism #Homophobia #Transphobia #fsckALLreligion #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs
#lgbtqi #racism #homophobia #transphobia #fsckallreligion #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs
Bloody powerful essay.
The astonishingly cruel policies of the US #RWNJ #ChristoFascists against #women & #LGBTQI peeps matter terribly, ofc for all the US citizens now fallen victim to these immoral absurdities. That's only the start of it though, for such dogawful outrages then inevitably get picked up, mimicked & deployed in other countries around this shithouse fscked rock.
#Abortion #AbortionEveryWomansRight #WomensRights #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs #fsckALLreligion
#rwnj #ChristoFascists #women #lgbtqi #abortion #abortioneverywomansright #womensrights #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs #fsckallreligion
@jackofalltrades It'd be an even better society if it respected women enough to also include them in aphorisms.
#fsckthepatriarchy #sexism #misogyny
>...the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are moving ahead with plans to force Catholic hospitals to refuse any sort of gender affirming care...
#FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ChristoFascists = ๐
#fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ChristoFascists
Yeah, thank the Mighty Zarquon that only "fellas" use tech.
Ignorant closed-minded bigoted fscker! ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
@professorhank Shockingly dishonest deceitful hurtful hateful hypocrites. I have zero sympathy for them.
#FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #WomensRights
#fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #womensrights
Viewed in the micro, this initiative is innovative, laudable & likely life-saving. Otoh, viewed in the macro, it's merely one more data point showing what a nasty inhumane #ChristoFascist cold-blooded ignorant failed-state Merka is. ๐ฑ
#uspol #LGBTQI #TransRightsAreHumanRights #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs
#christofascist #uspol #lgbtqi #transrightsarehumanrights #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs
I mean, ofc i know how serious this latest episode of #USPol insanity is, but even so, this pic just cracked me up with fits of giggling & eye-rolling.
What a gold-plated honest to goodness moron!
#FsckingIdiot1stClassHonours #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs #ThankDogImNotMerkan
#uspol #fsckingidiot1stclasshonours #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs #thankdogimnotmerkan
@summeremacs Well said. He, & all his ilk, were/are nought but hateful hypocritical small-minded stone-hearted bullying blustering bigoted bastards. Good riddance.
#transphobia #homophobia #LGBTQI #TransRightsAreHumanRights #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion
#transphobia #homophobia #lgbtqi #transrightsarehumanrights #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion
@wdlindsy I'd almost like to be a fly on the wall for those creeps when/if, sometime soon, their partner / parent / child / sibling / best-friend etc, discloses to them that they are in fact #trans.
We're not everyone, ofc, but equally we're not no one, statistically-speaking, so to some of these ghastly peeps, it IS gonna happen.
Demonstrably these arseholes have no empathic capacity for total strangers. Let's see how they handle themselves once they discover someone near & dear to them is one of their "hated demented evil monsters".
#transphobia #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #FsckThePatriarchy #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#trans #transphobia #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #fsckthepatriarchy #transrightsarehumanrights
@wdlindsy ๐ฑ
>"...Americans who think there are only two gender identities ... nearly two-thirds (65%) in 2023."
Just what do these horrifically ignorant bigoted peeps, then, believe is the reason/s we #trans peeps exist, & why on earth we would "volunteer" to put ourselves thru this hellscape? Do they think we do it for giggles & trivialities? Honest to goodness, such hatefully clueless critics & enemies seem to have zero capacity for logic & critical thinking, let alone #empathy of which ofc clearly they have none!
#transphobia #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #FsckThePatriarchy #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#trans #empathy #transphobia #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #fsckthepatriarchy #transrightsarehumanrights
Watching #ABCNews24 atm. Yet another woman has been #murdered by ex-partner. This society is just so fscken sick & demented. Wtf is wrong with men? Why do so many of them do this? It's beyond appalling. About time these arsehole murdering males are summarily executed.
#domesticviolence #fsckthepatriarchy #ABCNews24 #murdered