-1^0.5 🌈♀🐧 · @MsDropbear
217 followers · 1378 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Given my whole shtick, the concept & practicalities of suicide is a frequent thought-companion of mine.

One of the myriad details over which i cogitate is the matter of leaving a suicide-note/s, or not. Would a simple bland One Note To Rule Them All suffice? Would it be better form to craft individual personalised notes to each of the half-handful of peeps for whom it'd be passingly relevant? Is there any point leaving any bloody thing? Would one settle scores, or nobley just turn one's other cheek?

How should any putative notes be conveyed? Handwritten on paper & left on the kitchen bench, in the event someone eventually wonders why the mail piled up & the grass became jungle, & forced* their way in for a look-see? Maybe one/more emails, left dangling in one's Outbox on a schedule to transmit after the deed is done? But then what if a blackout were to happen?

*Would they even need to force their way in? Would it be better to leave the front or back door unlocked, for easy ingress? But what then if the putative future entree was not cops or family, but instead thieves / vandals?

It really is a complex business, & this is ofc only lightly touching the surface. Maybe i need to invest the time to properly project-manage this, including ofc a decent & . I mean, i wouldn't want anyone to think i was just an amateur, ffs! 😜

#suicide #logistics #letters #notes #misanthropy #failedtransition #transphobia #homophobia #racism #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #atheist #ganttchart #criticalpathanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

NastyBigPointyTeeth!🌈♀ · @MsDropbear
212 followers · 1292 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Beginning to think that possibly i should do one or other of:

1. Unpin my Mastodon tab/s in my browser & close it/them.

2. Delete my account/s then do no.1.

My life is joyless, hopeless, & pointless. All that reading toots, & weighing into chats, is doing is even further reinforcing my sense of personal self-loathing, & utter at human venality greed nastiness et al. I mean, ffs, just for example:

🤷‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 😭

& are lovely, & i can lose myself deep inside them for hours at a time, nevertheless, each & every time i take my eyes off the micro & remember the macro, it's all just so... so very... ugh.

#misanthropy #transphobia #homophobia #racism #transrightsarehumanrights #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #coffee #FOSS #Linux

Last updated 1 year ago