“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Lessoned learned: Don’t make a person into a symbol for success.
The third book on this list:
#quotes #LiteraryClassics #Booksodon #reading #TheGreatGatsby #FScottFitzgerald
#quotes #literaryclassics #booksodon #reading #thegreatgatsby #fscottfitzgerald
[…] Poi fu tutto buio, e la culla bianca e le facce indistinte che si agitavano sopra di lui e il dolce aroma caldo del latte svanirono dalla sua mente.
da Il curioso caso di Benjamin Button (1922; Feltrinelli, Zoom, 2013)
di Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
Traduzione di Laura Bortoluzzi
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore
#FrancisScottFitzgerald #fscottfitzgerald #laurabortoluzzi #benjaminbutton #ilcuriosocasodibenjaminbutton
Hollywood please make this happen: Kieran Culkin as washed up F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Left photo: F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood, 1937, by Carl Van Vechten. Right photo: Kieran Culkin, from Entertainment Tonight.
#fscottfitzgerald #kieranculkin #movies
Happy anniversary to one of my most treasured books. #FScottFitzgerald #TheGreatGatsby
#fscottfitzgerald #thegreatgatsby
#FScottFitzgerald #Gatsby #erichkästner #fabian #umbertoeco #dernamederrose #viennablood #franktallis #liebermannpapiere #literatur #lesen #buch #buchtipp #tv
spät aber nicht zu spät meine TV Tipps :)
#fscottfitzgerald #gatsby #erichkastner #fabian #umbertoeco #dernamederrose #ViennaBlood #franktallis #liebermannpapiere #literatur #lesen #buch #buchtipp #tv
Finally got around to writing my review of this one.
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #TheGreatGatsby #BazLuhrmann #CraigPearce #FScottFitzgerald #LeonardoDicaprio #TobeyMaguire #CareyMulligan #JoelEdgerton #ElizabethDebicki #IslaFisher #JasonClarke
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #thegreatgatsby #BazLuhrmann #craigpearce #fscottfitzgerald #leonardodicaprio #tobeymaguire #careymulligan #joeledgerton #elizabethdebicki #islafisher #jasonclarke
"Never read Fitzgerald? You Gatsby kidding me!" #library #fscottfitzgerald #TheGreatGatsby
#TheGreatGatsby #fscottfitzgerald #library
F. Scott Fitzgerald statue in St. Paul, Minnesota
#fscottfitzgerald #stpaul #Minnesota #Photography
Y finalmente para leer también este mes de la mujer 💜:
📚El gran Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, con Embajadores Literarios (grupo de lectura en instagram y discord) 🫶 a leer Daisy Buchanan.
📚Chilenas, María José Cumplido, que fue mi regalo de cumpleaños del Chismecito Spicy y viene perfecto para leer en el mes que conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer💜
#leyendo #elgrangatsby #fscottfitzgerald #chilenas #mariajosecumplido #bookstodon
And I shall go on shining as a brilliantly meaningless figure in a meaningless world.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned
(📖 https://www.gutenberg.org/files/9830/9830-h/9830-h.htm#CHAPTER_Ia ) #FScottFitzgerald #BeautifulAndTheDamned #Books #Reading #Obscurity #Book #Humility #Literature #Quote
#fscottfitzgerald #beautifulandthedamned #books #reading #obscurity #book #humility #literature #quote
I want to know you moved and breathed in the same world with me
F. Scott Fitzgerald - Benediction
"Clark", she said softly, "I wouldn't change you for the world. You're sweet the way you are. The things that'll make you fail I'll love always—the living in the past, the lazy days and nights you have, and all your carelessness and generosity."
"But you're goin' away?"
"Yes—because I couldn't ever marry you.... There's two sides to me, you see. There’s the sleepy old side you love; an’ there’s a sort of energy– the feelin’ that makes me do wild things”
They were young and gravely passionate; they demanded everything and then yielded everything again in ecstasies of unselfishness and pride.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
#kevinmccarthy believed in the 218 votes, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter—to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning——
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
W/ apologies to #FScottFitzgerald
#speakerofthehouse #fscottfitzgerald #kevinmccarthy
#kevinmccarthy believed in the 218 votes, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter—to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning——
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
W/ apologies to #FScottFitzgerald
#fscottfitzgerald #kevinmccarthy
Kisses in the back of taxis and motor-cars were no longer enough; they did a curious thing: They dropped out of their world for a while and made another world just beneath it
F. Scott Fitzgerald
“I’m not making a mistake - I’m leaving my mistakes behind”
“You’re trying to leave yourself behind, but you can’t. The more you try to run away from yourself, the more you’ll have yourself with you.”
F Scott Fitzgerald
"His bedroom was the simplest room of all - except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold."
middle sentence of "The Great Gatsby" by #FScottFitzgerald on #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #fscottfitzgerald
Daisy Buchanan’s first words in F Scott Fitzgerald's, 'The Great Gatsby', spoken to narrator Nick Carraway upon his arrival at the Buchanan residence.
I’m p-paralyzed with happiness.’ She laughed again, as if she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment, looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had.
#fscottfitzgerald #TheGreatGatsby