So genial das Arbeiten in #WordPress #FSE mit #TwentyTwentyThree und #Twentig ist… die ganzen bugs nerven leider… #undtäglichgrüsstdassupportforum
#wordpress #fse #twentytwentythree #Twentig #undtaglichgrusstdassupportforum
The results of moving a large bulk of the CSS of my own WordPress FSE theme from style.css to theme.json is that unless you are making one of those mega flexible themes that you want to release on the .org repository, then stick with style.css for the most part.
This seems to be the reason why the likes of the twentytwentythree theme just aren't aesthetically pleasing out of the box.
Danach ging’s zu #Quedlinburg s Naturbad #Osterteich. Mit dem Geschäftsführer der Bädergesellschaft und einem Bademeister der #Wasserwacht ging es um Schwimmenlernen, Gästezahlen, Herausforderungen und das neu entstehende Sportbad #FSE in der Welterbestadt.
#Quedlinburg #osterteich #Wasserwacht #fse
OK, so the Event Calendar blocks are available from the Post Editor, but not from the Site Editor. So you can't build #FSE template fore Events. 😢 #WordPress
So as an experiment, my wife and I have been building a complete site (with just a few pages, basic site with content and some contact forms) all with FSE.
And let me tell you that things were *dire*. It strained our relationship, we had a fight over losing work, she ultimately designs in Canva and I help her make blocks out of that. It’s just easier..
And I’ve written way more CSS than I imagined I would have to.
#wordpress #FullSiteEditor #fse
Just learned you can use `theme.json` to add custom CSS to individual blocks, and even use the `&` selector.
Cleaned things up a bit.
Footer still has some hardcoded text in it, and the header quite explicitly references a menu on my site.
Think if I replaced those with some starter blocks, this would be a fairly generic block theme.
Even more so if I took out the (IndieBlocks) note archive template.
I could add all modifications in a child theme, then.
Or in the Site Editor directly (that’s what it’s for).
#BlockThemes #siteeditor #fse #wordpress
Mission du Groupe de Travail Budget des @TheProgressives à La Réunion 🇫🇷
Rencontre avec le Régiment Adapté (RSMA) qui accompagne des jeunes vers l'insertion professionnelle par la formation. 80% d'insertion, un exemple de ce que l'Europe peut aider grâce au #FSE
@chris I'm somewhat on the fence with #WordPress really being good for headless or not. With the move to the Block Editor, and the push for #FSE I'm not 100% sure that headless is really viable without disabling the Block Editor and just building things out with custom fields. I've been supporting a #CraftCMS site at work recently and there is a part of me that feels like it may be a better #PHP based CMS for headless.
#WordPress #fse #craftcms #php
Oh, I need this. I'm about to set up a child theme to more easily track changes and such, but being able to at least "disable" some parent theme templates would be very welcome. If it can be done through the Site Editor, all the better. (Hope they don't forget about parent/child themes, though)
"Site Editor: add option to disable templates"
Wrote something real quick on how I set up, a (currently very empty) block-enabled (micro)blog. (I will eventually move over my site, too.)
#fse #gutenberg #indieblocks #indieweb #SiteEditor #wordpress
“Building a Block-Based Microblog”
#wordpress #siteeditor #indieweb #indieblocks #gutenberg #fse
@Ciantic if this shows me anything it is the fact that this move to the #FSE in #WordPress is putting sites more risk not less. Others have pointed out how complicated the tech stack of WordPress has become, and I fear that all of this complication is just putting more sites at risk. I'm not discounting the good intention of folks or the fact that all developers make mistakes. I'm just hoping that WordPress Core development and reliability continues to get better not worse.
Le #walgov valide la sélection des projets retenus dans le cadre du 1er appel à projets #FEDER #FSE 🇪🇺: 688 projets ont été sélectionnés sur le territoire wallon. Au total, 1,357 milliard sera investi en Wallonie en plus des budgets mobilisés par #WallonieRelance ! ✅
#Walgov #FEDER #fse #WallonieRelance
En savoir plus sur le #FEDER!jB6dGB
En savoir plus sur le #FSE+!8HTP7J
à lire dans 🗞️@lecho : 1,3 milliard d’euros de fonds européens au secours de la Wallonie 🇪🇺🇧🇪
en savoir plus sur les fonds 🇪🇺
RT @EU4BE: à lire dans 🗞️@lecho : 1,3 milliard d’euros de fonds européens au secours de la Wallonie 🇪🇺🇧🇪
en savoir plus sur les fonds 🇪🇺
WordPress folks:
I'm playing around with Twenty Twenty-Three (FSE) on a personal site. It's set as a blog and so the home page is a list of posts.
But I can't get the home page to show more than 10 posts per page, no matter what I change.
I've set Settings > Reading
I've set the query loop block to 12 in every template in the editor that has it. It still only shows 10 posts.
Any ideas?
#Insulte #Radio #FranceBleu #Interview #OlivierMateu #France #GreveGenerale ✊
#Greve27Mars #Greve28Mars #Greve29Mars #Greve30Mars #Greve31Mars
Du 07 Mars, mais écoutez ça !
#insulte #radio #francebleu #interview #OlivierMateu #france #grevegenerale #cgt #sud #fo #cnt #fsu #solidaires #unsa #cftc #cfe #cgc #cfdt #fse #MNL #greve27mars #greve28mars #greve29mars #greve30mars #greve31mars #grevegeneraleillimitee
@Catwoman69y2k @nathan @nbwpuk well, there are some interesting challenges with the #WordPress #FSE and even Blocks with #ActivityPub which I have some concerns about right now. However, I'm hopefully that since Mattias is now working on the plugin with Automattic that this will get fleshed out better.