In zwei Wochen ist hier in #Köln eine #Veranstaltung von der Free Software Foundation Europe #FSFE:
Fachtag: „Die Welt nach Facebook, Twitter und YouTube. Eine neue Generation des Internets?”
Ich bin bei der Veranstaltung vor Ort und habe an dem Wochenende auch Besuch von meinen FediFriends @firefly und @baum;
Wenn ihr an diesem Wochenende mit Fedileuten noch was in Köln unternehmen möchtet, oder schon selbst etwas geplant habt, freue ich mich über Nachricht.
Sabato 16 settembre giornata mondiale del software libero, nella stessa struttura in cui si svolgerà la lettura del libro "Ada & Zangemann", ospiteremo un laboratorio sull'uso di Godot.
Per i più grandi con o senza esperienza! Vi aspettiamo!
Iscrizioni qui (nel campo "messaggio" scrivete Godot):
#linux #open #UnoLinux #UnoOpen #fsfe #eventi #scuola #UnoScuola #Godot #godotengine #coding #libri
#linux #open #unolinux #unoopen #fsfe #eventi #scuola #unoscuola #godot #godotengine #coding #libri
The story of Ada, available now in English worldwide
> From 29 August the English version of the book "Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" is available internationally. The book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software and realises how important it is for her and others to control technology.
Sabato 16 settembre dove festeggerai la mondiale giornata del software libero?
Iscriviti all'evento su:
per info:
#fsfe #linux #libri #eventi #scuola
Fediverse-Fachtag: „Die Welt nach Facebook, Twitter und YouTube. Eine neue Generation des Internets?” am 22.9.23 in Köln
Der Fachtag richtet sich an Multiplikatorinnen der politischen Bildung, an Lehrkräfte, Vertreterinnen öffentlicher Institutionen und Bildungseinrichtungen sowie an alle Interessierten.
#Fediverse #Workshop #Vortrag #Social_Media #Mastodon #Friendica #Bildung #SelfHosting #Medienbildung #FediLZ #FSFE #Peertube #FediverseFachtag #Linux
#fediverse #workshop #vortrag #social_media #mastodon #friendica #bildung #selfhosting #medienbildung #FediLZ #fsfe #peertube #fediversefachtag #linux
"The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the Internet?" #fsfe s ymposium in Cologne on September 22 to discuss the role of decentralised social media platforms in our society!
Wie schaut es aus mit Freie Software für Deutschlands Verwaltungen? (#froscon2023)
#fsfe #freesoftware #opensource
#opensource #freesoftware #fsfe #froscon2023
Nach dem Feditreff ist vor dem Feditreff:
Nach dem wunderbaren, gleichermaßen entspannten und informativen Fedicamp veranstalten am 22. September die Free Software Foundation Europe, die Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Nordrhein-Westfalen und die Volkshochschule Köln einen (kostenlosen) Fachtag:
„Die Welt nach Facebook, Twitter und YouTube. Eine neue Generation des Internets?”
Wird eine Präsenzveranstaltung in deutscher Sprache mit Vorträgen und Workshops. Ich habe mich gerade hier angemeldet:
#fedicamp #nrw #koln #fsfe #fediverse
Not only am I thinking of making a local #Montenegro #OSM cartographers group, but that sorta kinda expanded into wanting to make a local Linux Users Group, and then further expanded into wanting to make a local #FSFE group..
Yesterday I translated the #childrens' #book #AdaAndZangemann by the #fsfe's @kirschner and sandra brandstätter to #norwegian.
Today I #gift the first copy (from the printer at the public library) to my nephew. He's got a #tinkerer and destructor heart, so here's to hoping he becomes a white-hat #hacker or #ReverseEngineer
#childrens #book #adaandzangemann #fsfe #norwegian #gift #tinkerer #hacker #reverseengineer
Cyber Resilience Act und Freie Software
Der CRA möchte Software sicherer und Entwickler dafür haftbar machen können. Das stellt eine Gefahr für Freie Software dar.
#eu_kommission #cra #sicherheit #haftung #fsfe #linux
EU Parliament intends to widen participation in the Interoperable Europe Board
> Today the EU Parliament’s Committee responsible for the Interoperable Europe Act has adopted its final position. It is a step forward towards a more inclusive Interoperable Europe Board while it introduces clearer indicators and statistics to monitor the progress of the Act. This position must now be upheld during the upcoming trilogue.
Cyber Resilience Act & Free Software: Parliament waters down its own position
> The EU Parliament today voted on its position on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). While the position improves on the Commission's exemption to protect Free Software, it fails to introduce a proper protection . We call on the institutions to put the burden of liability only on those who significantly financially benefit from the market, while protecting developers and non-profit work.
#FSFE supporters in the Netherlands are contacting their banks on this issue to keep the option to use a (mobile) website. Some have switched banks over it. Please let your bank know this is an issue and spread the word! There are thousands if not millions of us that are digital but don't accept the Google/Apple mobile ecosystem.
"The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the Internet?"
> More and more people are turning away from social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube to alternatives like Mastodon and PeerTube. Why are they different? How are they changing the web? And how can you get involved in the Fediverse? Join our symposium and get an insight into these decentralised social networks through our talks and workshops on 22.09.2023!
I have a friend that runs a banking app on /e OS using #Magisk so there is a good chance to get it working. In the #efoundation forum is a thread in this which should probably work for #LineageOS too This is a topic I want to learn more about by putting it into practice. At our Dutch #FSFE local group the issue of #BankingApps is a recurring topic
#bankingapps #fsfe #lineageos #efoundation #magisk
Upcycled a Samsung S9 by installing #LineageOS using #OpenAndroidInstaller at the local #repaircafé You too can extend the life of your smartphone by choosing #FreeSoftware More on the #FSFE #UpcyclingAndroid campaign:
#UpcyclingAndroid #fsfe #freesoftware #repaircafe #openandroidinstaller #lineageos
In den letzten Tagen wurde ja viel über den Ausstieg von Christine Prayon aus der #heuteshow gesprochen. Was ich heute erst in einem Artikel der #SZ erfahren habe ist, dass sie sich bei der Entgegennahme des Dieter-Hildebrandt-Preises zu #Limux geäußert und das Preisgeld an die #fsfe gespendet hat.
#opensource #linux #fsfe #limux #sz #heuteshow
Brought to you by the #RedHat executive who wrote that his company speaks for #opensource while the community of devs around it should just shut up. It's hard to understand how one can be so delusional, until you realise the amount of dollars captured is the only measure visible to his eyes.
Similar mistakes can happen to good faith researchers of the #FreeSoftware ecosystem as well. With #FSFE we asked the #EC to go beyond revenue measures in its #antitrust analysis.
#redhat #opensource #freesoftware #fsfe #ec #antitrust