A 60yo otherwise healthy woman develops #nephrotic syndrome. Only putative trigger: first vaccination w/ Comirnaty 10 days before.
Biopsy shows IgAN with a podocytopathy resembling #FSGS.
Steroids and CNI are not tolerated.
1) how would you label the disease? Primary or secondary FSGS?
2) next treatment? Ritux?
#nephrotic #fsgs #AskRenal #Nephrology
RT @FSGS_FU@twitter.com
🏨Pavlos Dimitriadis & Beatrice Feder laden ein, sich bis zum 16.01. für den #FSGS Workshop „Das Hotel in Literatur und Film: 1900 · 2000“ am 20.01. anzumelden, um gemeinsam das Hotel als produktiven, imaginären Schauplatz zu entdecken.
ℹ️Weitere Infos: https://bit.ly/3Xb4On2
Arguably one of the most clinically frustrating conditions in #Nephrology to endure and treat - this is a valuable insight into therapeutic trials thus far in #FSGS from @Nature