Parsing RFC5321 Mailbox local-parts in #fsharp with FParsec.
It's so close to the EBNF in the spec, its somehow… beautiful.
We just shipped new prerelease versions of the core framework and the Visual Studio adapter.
- We've added new overloads of Assert.RaisesAny and Assert.RaisesAnyAsync
- We've made SerializationHelper public
- We've fixed potential analyzer errors for users of xunit.assert.source
- We've fixed a bug in the Visual Studio adapter that affected runner authors.
Release notes:
#dotnet #csharp #fsharp #unittest #tdd
Есть идея начать разбирать уроки по функциональному языку, который в силу того что пишу код на C# у меня на компьютере установлен. Итак пора сделать F# своим первым функциональным языком программирования!
Есть репозиторий на Github. Всё разбито на блокноты Jupyter, что не требует установки, их легко можно запустить на MyBinder. Предназначена программа обучения для не-программистов .NET и новичков.
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#introduction #dotnet #csharp #fsharp #unittest #tdd
We just shipped new prerelease versions of the core framework, the Visual Studio adapter, and analyzers.
There is one new analyzer, and two bug fixes in the core framework. There are no changes in the Visual Studio adapter other than picking up the new framework dependencies.
Please test these as they are likely to become the RTM versions.
Release notes:
#dotnet #csharp #fsharp #unittest #tdd
Right on time for the weekend a new release has been created for Fli. Version 1.10.1 is now available. 🔷🐚🐛
See what's new:
So, I did a thing. Trying to ease my way back into OSS after a few years away...
It's definitely a tad over-engineered for what it is (makes random identifiers), but consider it a reference piece (yet suitable for regular use).
+ layered approach to API design
+ structuring for both binary and source distribution
+ good support for #fsharp, #vb, & #csharp #dotnet
+ pretty good documentation
+ utility GUI via FuncUI (
New release of my Gendarme fork for static analysis of #dotnet
The latest (7.0.400) & all 8.0pv #fsharp compilers drop some scruffy code (incl. an unsealed internal Attribute type w/o a usage attribute) into most assemblies, this release recognises & ignores these injections.
F# Weekly #34, 2023 –.NET 8.0 GC feature called DATAS #fsharp
@josua_jaeger @vijoc @paulbiggar have you ever felt the „slowness“ of the #fsharp compiler?
F# Weekly #33, 2023 – SponsorLink & Rider F# features
Have you noticed that code coverage numbers have dropped when you switched from a 2.4.x to 2.5.x build of `xunit.runner.visualstudio`? Are you inadvertently dependent on the fact that we used to load all assemblies on startup but don't any more? Take a look at this issue: #dotnet #csharp #fsharp #unittest #tdd
#dotnet #csharp #fsharp #unittest #tdd
Without leaving the #dotnet world, there is #fsharp that handles this stuff very well.
I’m trying out Zed #CodeEditor lately as a replacement for #SublimeText and I think it’s great! Native and fast, with some smart workflow decisions (like editable multibuffer or temporarily expandable panels) and with Copilot/ChatGPT built in. I feel at ease and highly productive when I use it.
It doesn't yet support some of the languages I use at work (#Elm and #Fsharp), but #TypeScript and #Rust support is great.
And the docs are well written, check them out!
#Rust #typescript #fsharp #elm #sublimetext #codeeditor
#fsharp peeps, if you'd like F# to support [<CallerArgumentExpression>], please give this issue a thumbs up. Thanks!
I just released FSharp.SystemTextJson v1.2!
This includes:
* An option to never serialize None as a skipped field;
* Support for single-case unions as dictionary keys;
* Support for Map represented as JSON object for more key types;
* and more improvements and bug fixes.
Enjoying #fsharpconf videos, really cool! Dedication of the community is so strong. It's small, but it's going strong for sure.