Enjoying #fsharpconf videos, really cool! Dedication of the community is so strong. It's small, but it's going strong for sure.
fsharpConf 2023 #fsharp #fsharpconf #dotnet https://www.luisquintanilla.me/feed/fsharp-conf-2023?utm_medium=feed
Today is the day! #fsharpConf returns!
Join us today for F# content and discussions with speakers and community from across the globe!
Kickoff is 1400 Central Europe, 5 hours from now!
Thanks and respect to the #fsharpconf for making clear they stand with Ukraine.
Neutrality is cowardice and selfishness.
See you tomorrow #fsharp
#fsharpconf #fsharp #amplifyingfsharp
Fable.Form has been upgraded to Fable 4 and Feliz 2.
If you want to learn more about Fable.Form, and how it makes working with forms easier than ever. Join me next monday for my talk at
It is possible that there will be a demo of a form designer 🤐
#fsharpConf is coming!
In just SIX days we have fsharpConf - the free F# Online Conference, created and run by the F# community!
Join us on 26 June for 13 wonderful topics covering data, web, cloud, client and server.
#fsharpconf #fsharp #fablecompiler
#fsharpConf is coming!
In just SIX days we have fsharpConf - the F# Community Online Conference, created and run by the community for the community!
Join us on 26 June 2023 for this FREE online conference covering 13 wonderful topics covering F# programming on both client and server, including using Fable!