¡Hola! Llevo ya tiempo por aquí, pero he visto a mucha gente haciendo su #introducción o #presentación así que me animo a hacer lo mismo, que no lo había hecho aún en esta instancia:
📚 Con mucho síndrome del impostor digo que soy #escritor, he publicado ya algunas cosillas, tanto por mi cuenta como en editorial. Mis historias tienen representación #queer y de personas con #discapacidad.
🖥️ Soy muy seriéfilo, veo bastantes #series en mi día a día. Últimamente vivo por y para los #kdramas, no logro salir de ese pozo.
😜 Me encantan los chistes malos.
🙅♂️ No tolero los discursos de odio. Ni capacitismo, ni LGTBIfobia, ni racismo, ni transfobia, ni machismo...
♿ Tengo una discapacidad, una distrofia muscular conocida como #FSHD.
🇰🇷 Me gusta el #kpop y el idioma #coreano, que trato de aprender por mi cuenta con más o menos acierto.
Posiblemente me olvido de algo pero me quedo sin espacio 😂
#introduccion #presentacion #escritor #queer #discapacidad #series #kdramas #fshd #kpop #coreano
Saturdays at the climbing gym are fun. I get to watch lots of people more fit than me (and without muscular dystrophy) be worse at me than climbing.
#climbinggym #saturday #nyc #fshd
🇪🇺🇫🇷 - 🇧🇷
👉Nutritional status of patients with #FSHD
💡Antioxidant supplementation confer protection against FSHD oxidative stress
👉Gastrointestinal cancer occurs as extramuscular manifestation in #FSHD patients
💡#Gastrointestinal #cancers not depend on #D4Z4 repeat number
#fshd #gastrointestinal #cancers #d4z4
🧬Looking for a postdoc to test an #antisense #oligonucleotides #FSHD to prevent #DUX4 in #Leiden (NL)
#antisense #oligonucleotides #fshd #dux4 #leiden
📰🧬#FSHD #Muscular #dystrophy, the test that makes the diagnosis in 72 hours
👉#FSHD : the road to targeted therapies
💡Review advances in the molecular and clinical understanding of FSHD
🌈New Year 📆
🌈New Hopes🕯️🕯️🕯️
👉 #FSHD trials phase II/III
✅ @FulcrumTx losmapimod: placebo-controlled trial
✅ @aviditybio siRNA vs DUX4 gene
❔ @Dyne_tx ASO reducing DUX4 expression
& ... 👉More than 20 biotechs at work
Go 2⃣0⃣2⃣3⃣
👉#D4Z4 #methylation levels combined with a machine learning pipeline highlight single CpG sites as discriminating #biomarkers for #FSHD patients
💡Additional evidence for DNA methylation as a powerful disease biomarker
#d4z4 #methylation #biomarkers #fshd
👉The effects of #FSHD and dynamic arm support on upper extremity muscle coordination in functional tasks
💡Muscle coordination differences were presumably the result of individual-specific in muscle weakness and compensatory strategies for dealing with gravity compensation and movement constraints
👉Identification of circulating miRNAs differentially expressed in patients with Limb-girdle, Duchenne or #FSHD
💡strong correlation between miRs and biochemical data was only found in LGMD patients
Check out our latest complete issue that includes heaps of #OpenAccess science:
🎇A cover featuring differentiated #myotubes derived from #FSHD patient cells
🧠An Editorial that discusses how we can improve #mouse modelling of #Schizophrenia
🧫A review on aneuploidy & #CellCompetition that explores their impact on #cancer
👂🏼 A review on #InnerEar development & disease
🐹🐭A #COVID19 model stand-off for the #EditorsChoice
🧪And much more fantastic #biomedical research
#openaccess #myotubes #fshd #mouse #schizophrenia #cellcompetition #cancer #innerear #COVID19 #editorschoice #biomedical
👉Correlation between whole body muscle MRI and functional measures in paediatric patients with #FSHD
💡Scores for atrophy & fat replacement showed strong correlation with functional outcome measures
Management of scapular dysfunction in #FSHD: the biomechanics of winging, arthrodesis indications, techniques & outcomes
💡That solution helps patients to maintain their activities but with several complications associated
👉Knocking Down DUX4 in Immortalized #FSHD Patient-Derived Muscle Cells
💡#Antisense #oligonucleotides induce efficient #DUX4 transcript knockdown
#fshd #antisense #oligonucleotides #dux4
🇺🇸 👇
Hiring Postdoctoral position in skeletal muscle regeneration/degeneration.
👍 NIH funded postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Bosnakovski.
Department of Pediatrics (University of Minnesota, USA) to work on the molecular and cellular mechanism of #FSHD.
💡 The fellow will have an opportunity to use various in vitro and in vivo models to study epigenetic and cellular aberrations induced by DUX4
👉Overview of Neuromuscular Disorder Molecular Diagnostic Experience for the Population of Latvia
💡Prevalence per 10,000:
-0.079 for #FSHD
-0.078 for LGMD
-0.073 for Congenital myotonia,
-0.052 for SMA
-0.047 for MD1
📰 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36381256/
👉A feasibility study of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis in #FSHD type 1 in a Chinese family
💡 cffDNA-based haplotyping was feasible for the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis