« Durant la pandémie, Lindsey Craig sentait le besoin de se connecter avec d'autres gens. Plutôt que de regarder en boucle les fils de ses médias sociaux en sentant un vide se creuser en elle, elle s'est dit qu'elle aimerait en profiter pour pratiquer son #français. Aujourd'hui son initiative de rencontre virtuelle #Language Happy Hour, regroupe plus de 2000 membres sur Facebook.
Prochaine rencontre à #Montréal en personne demain https://fb.me/e/88LDMkFIO
#francais #language #montreal #fsl
RT @ViljamiSairanen
Fanciest #dMRI artefact in a while! HCP data processed with @MRtrix3 and #FSL: denoising, degibbs, eddy, bias field. The map is MLE variance map from kurtosis tensor fit https://github.com/vilsaira/MLE_for_dMRI.
I have a good candidate for the source. Can you guess what it could be?
If you learnt French or are learning French as your 2nd language what would you like to discuss/exchange about the language? Any specific grammar subjects, verbs tenses, etc. #Immersion #FSL #FLE #French
Glückwunsch an das Team von @TrelleborgGroup@twitter.com für den Sieg in der @FSLeSports@twitter.com
#FarmingSimulatorLeague #FSL
As an assistant professor, I focus mostly on signal and image processing in neuroscience applications. My platforms of choice are #FSL #SPM #EEGLAB #PsychoPy #MATLAB #R and #Python Programming. I also have worked in #ComputationalNeuroscience, particularly in simulating neural networks with Hodgkin-Huxley equations. That was some years ago, but mathematical modeling never gets old!
#fsl #spm #eeglab #psychopy #matlab #r #python #computationalneuroscience #sciencemastodon #neuroscience #neurosciencemastodon #NeuroMastodon #introduction
Let's start out with something fun! These images show FFF and SLA #3dprinting printouts of a high-resolution T1 #mri scan of my brain. I created them using some basic neuroimaging software, 3D modeling software, and my scan data. Some research labs make such prints as gifts for their #neuroimaging study participants. I already had my data from trial runs of our studies.
The (somewhat transparent) model was done on an SLA (resin) printer at about 40% actual size. I'm planning to do a life-size print eventually, but the printer is too small to hold my brain, so I'll need to print one hemisphere at a time and do some hand tool work.
The other two prints were done on an FFF 3d printer at life-size scale using glow-in-the-dark filament (a real kick at halloween to decorate with glowing models of your own brain).
I teach a technology innovation course for first-year business students and I love taking these models in after talking to them about 3D manufacturing and its applications (particularly in medicine). It is also fun to show students my T1 and fMRI data and say "here's proof your professor has a brain!"
#3dprinting #mri #neuroimaging #fsl #blender #Freesurfer
Greetings all! Ron here again. I would like to share more details about my research focus. This is the first of several toots I'll post introducing my reasons for being on Mastodon.
As an assistant professor, I focus mostly on signal and image processing in neuroscience applications. My platforms of choice are #FSL #SPM #EEGLAB #PsychoPy #MATLAB #R and #Python Programming. If you are working with these tools, feel free to "at" me any time if I can help or you know something interesting! I also have worked in #ComputationalNeuroscience, particularly in simulating neural networks with Hodgkin-Huxley equations. That was some years ago, but mathematical modeling never gets old!
I look forward to sharing my work with the community as well as learning more about what each of you are doing!
#fsl #EEGLAB #python #computationalneuroscience #neuromastodon #introduction #spm #psychopy #matlab #r #ScienceMastodon #neuroscience #neurosciencemastodon
Le #FSL du Morbihan :bzh: c'est fini et c'était bien sympa !
Dieu que je kiffe tenir un stand (et encore là c'était pas le mien, et j'avais pas les frama flyers !!)