UNDP-Chef Achim Steiner zur FSO Safer 'Entschärfung': "Dass Öl- und und Gasgesellschaften, die ein Rekordjahr mit Gewinnen in Milliardenhöhe hinter sich haben, sich nicht in der Lage sehen, sich zu beteiligen, ist peinlich und schwer nachzuvollziehen."
#öllobby #fsosafer #umweltkatastrophe #un #jemen
#ollobby #fsosafer #umweltkatastrophe #un #jemen
Die #UN entschärfen eine tickende Zeitbombe vor der Küste Jemens. Am 25.07. hat die Umladung des Öls von der rostigen #FSOSafer auf einen Ersatztanker begonnen. Gemeinsam mit internationalen Partnern haben wir fast zwei Jahre lang hart daran gearbeitet, diesen Moment vorzubereiten.
Very encouraging progress with the #FSOSafer - the rusting #oil tanker which is being made safe by a #UN team in #Yemen
Wie viele Windräder hätten wohl für die Kosten des Auspumpens der #FSOSafer gebaut werden können?
Und dazu noch dieser Name, was für eine Ironie.
#fossilfuels #EnoughAlready #UN
#fsosafer #fossilfuels #enoughalready #UN
The hazardous operation to remove more than a million barrels of oil from the decaying #FSOSAFER supertanker off Yemen’s coast has commenced after years of delay.
Read more about how we got this point: https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/story/defusing-disaster-oil-transfer-from-fso-safer-to-turn-off-the-ticking-time-bomb/
« The arrival of the tanker Ndeavor at the #FSOSafer site to implement the salvage plan and offload more than one million barrels of oil is excellent news, and a vital step forward in avoiding a major human & environmental disaster in the Red Sea.
#StopRedSeaSpill #Yemen https://twitter.com/UNDP/status/1664081831837450240 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1664229685583044608
#fsosafer #StopRedSeaSpill #yemen
Es geht endlich vorwärts! https://t.co/30q8H7OQtd
« We welcome @UNDP's recent step to purchase a crude carrier to remove the oil from #FSOSafer and prevent a catastrophe in Yemen.
Now it is time for them to step up a gear and ensure that the oil is removed without further delay.
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1634196302211719168
RT @Greenpeace@twitter.com
Oil companies announced record profits in 2022. None of them has yet provided funding to remove oil from the #FSOSafer which could crash or explode and cause one of the largest oil spills in history.
🚨 Tell big polluters to take moral responsibility ➡️ https://act.gp/3smiA9G
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1598618026332794882
« And now fast and urgently @ignaziocassis to prevent at least one desaster #FSOSafer @greenpeace_ch https://twitter.com/greenpeacepress/status/1572680820783218688 »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/AlexHauri1/status/1572685261179588609
« 🚨 We only have a few weeks to prevent a disaster 🌢
Member States of the United Nations must not look away from the people of Yemen & the Red Sea. They must fund the plan to resolve the #FSOSafer crisis.
Tell them that the world is watching
#Yemen https://t.co/L3FTMgKnWM »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1516780084618620933
« We're looking at this decaying #RedSea oil tanker with deep anguish and concern.
The #FSOSafer has more than 140,000 tonnes of toxic crude oil on board.
As each day goes by, the risk of a spill or an explosion grows. Urgent action is needed.
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1488150947851390976