As they should!
And the Libertarians should be coming to #newhampshire
#newhampshire #LiveFreeOrDie #FreeStateProject #fsp
#FSP на Computex 2023: блок питания мощностью 2,5 кВт и другие новинки
Ich frage mich ja, wann endlich ein scharfes Gesetz gegen #desinformaton in den Printmedien kommt. Ich denke z.B. an die #springerpresse (BILD, Welt).
Und vielleicht auch gleich eins gegen Desinformation in der Politik? #afd #fsp #cxu
#desinformaton #springerpresse #afd #fsp #cxu
RT @GreenwallFdn
#FSP Scholar @JenJamesPhD: "Bioethics has...been a tool for...maintaining equilibrium within unjust systems. Bioethics can and should be a set of people, ideals, and knowledge used to center community, begin conversations, and stand up against violence."
What do you think of Karen's attacks against #NHexit? Do they have merit?
#nhexit #NHpolitics #fsp #secession
Are you afraid of Free Staters making New Hampshire more free?
Soutenance de thèse : Marion Cinqualbre #FSP #BnF
Are you excited to watch this docu-series tomorrow about the largest freedom migration in history???
#fsp #nbc #Liberty #NHpolitics
Are you familiar with the Free State Project?? Do you think it's the best plan to save liberty?
Like minded individuals #FSP #FREESTATEPROJECT #NHFREE
#fsp #FreeStateProject #NHFREE
During testimony before the
Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee, Rep. Jason Gerhard, (R) Northfield, discloses he is still on probation for the federal sentence he served in connection with the Ed & Elaine Brown stand-off in Plainfield in 2007. For supporting tax resisters he served over a decade in a cage. This is who we have elected to represent us in New Hampshire. If you're not here your missing out on beginning of the establishment of the first liberty friendly freedom respecting state. #nhexit #fsp
RT @GreenwallFdn
New resource now available! 📣
The Greenwall-funded Philosophical Bioethics Hub, spearheaded by #FSP Alum @BlumenthalBarby, has dozens of seminar outlines, video lectures, and papers on philosophy and bioethics—all free for the user. 1/🧵
Do you have server running FSP (
Elinks ( still can use it.
#elinks #FSP #FileServiceProtocol #history #IDontBiteIJustWantToPlay #justForFun #nostalgia #retro #UDP
#elinks #fsp #fileserviceprotocol #history #idontbiteijustwanttoplay #justforfun #nostalgia #retro #udp