Thanks for joining us for Flood Safety Preparedness Week! See additional #floodsafety information at #FSPW2023 #gawx #thatsawrap
#floodsafety #fspw2023 #gawx #thatsawrap
Although this is #FloodSafety Preparedness Week, it's worth highlighting a drought resource. is brought to you by NIDIS, a multi-agency partnership that coordinates drought services. #droughtpreparedness #FSPW2023 #gawx
#floodsafety #droughtpreparedness #fspw2023 #gawx
The NWS could not #protectlivesandproperty without the help from our partners! Check out these partners (only just some of the many!) who provide mission-critical information, especially during floods. #FSPW2023 #gawx
#protectlivesandproperty #fspw2023 #gawx
It's the last day of #FloodSafety Week and we're talking about our partners! USGS is one of our vital partners, providing real-time water data to us for warnings. And yes, 'gage' is spelled correctly. Check their website out to see why! #FSPW2023 #gawx
Today is Day 4 of #FloodSafety Preparedness Week and we're talking about NWS Products and Services. Do you know the difference between a Watch and a Warning? It's never too early to learn! #FSPW2023 #gawx
NWS River Flood Warnings indicate Minor, Moderate or Major Flooding is occurring or will occur at a given stretch of a creek or river. Adjectives like 'epic' or 'biblical' may provide context, but aren't official categories. #gawx #FSPW2023 #floodsafety
It's Day 3 of #FloodSafety Preparedness Week in Georgia. Did you know that Flash Flooding occurs far more often in north Georgia? #FSPW2023 #flashfloodstats #gawx
#floodsafety #fspw2023 #flashfloodstats #gawx
Think twice before you drive around barricades and/or through flooded roadways. #TurnAroundDontDrown #TADD #FSPW2023 #gawx
#turnarounddontdrown #tadd #fspw2023 #gawx
It's Day 2 of #FloodSafety Preparedness Week. Did you know more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm related hazard? And most of these happen in vehicles. Don't risk your safety or the safety of others! #FSPW2023 #TADD #gawx
#floodsafety #fspw2023 #tadd #gawx
Think about how you would respond during and after a flood. Now is the time to prepare! #FloodSafety #FSPW2023 #gawx
This week, take some time to familiarize yourself with easy steps to help keep you and your family safe during flash floods. #floodsafety #FSPW2023 #gawx
Today is the first day of #FloodSafety Week in Georgia! Ever wonder how much rain falls in a typical year? Georgia sees rainfall year-round -- from chilly stratiform weather, summertime thunderstorms and everything in between. Flooding can occur any time! #FSPW2023 #gawx
The best time to prepare for flooding was before the last flood. The absolute next best time is now! Tomorrow begins Flood Safety Preparedness Week in Georgia. Don't let this nice weather fool you. Prepare now! #floodsafety #fspw2023 #gawx