Nouvel outil de visualisation statistiques : Formations Spécialisées Transversales
Retrouvez tous les postes des FST ouverts par CHU, par année, par spécialité ... aux internes de médecine et de pharmacie.
#Internat #fst #pharmacie #medecine
Today I wanted to share some out of the box benchmarking for reading in a square #matrix in #r the idea behind this was to see how fast the default settings where for reading in these various files.
#r #rstats #vroom #fst #arrow #datatable #opensource #opensourcesoftware #software #softwareengineering #technology #innovation
#innovation #Technology #softwareengineering #Software #opensourcesoftware #OpenSource #datatable #arrow #fst #vroom #RStats #r #Matrix
Announcing a new #cli tool: fstsed. _ Search and enrich/decorate strings at grep speed_
This is basically find/replace with thousands of searchterms. From a #dfir perspective, geoipsed is great for enriching IPs but not every indicator type matches a simple regex. Using burntsushi’s fst, we can search for huge numbers of search terms simultaneously and enrich with arbitrary metadata.
Check out the example of converting @volexity github threat intel repo into fst so you can enrich any log (or text) with their open source indicators
How could #DNAmethylation contribute to #mutation and #speciation in #whitefish species complexes? We explore this and more in our new #PrePrint!
Considerable #genetic and #epigenetic divergence between benthic-limnetic species
Enrichment of SNPs at CpG sites - methylation-induced #mutagenesis?
Also enriched overlaps between high #FST #SNPs and #DMLs - possible #GeneticAssimilation?
With amazing collaboration from @clairemerot @eric_normandeau and others
Read more:
#DNAmethylation #Mutation #Speciation #whitefish #preprint #genetic #epigenetic #mutagenesis #fst #SNPs #dmls #geneticassimilation
@kdpsingh @djnavarro @smach That's right. #fst is another option Both work well when using #targets #rstats