#REtrogaming ACTivities #BBS รจ completa, in #italiano collegata ai network #fidonet #amiganet #fsxnet #Araknet con #chat locale, #IRC ed #MRC
Retro compatibile potete accedere da #PC #MS-DOS, #Amiga #Atari
react-bbs.nikoh.it #telnet 2323 #bulletinboard
#retrogaming #bbs #italiano #fidonet #amiganet #fsxnet #araknet #chat #irc #mrc #pc #ms #amiga #atari #telnet #bulletinboard
#REtrogaming ACTivities #BBS รจ completa in #italiano collegata ai network #fidonet #amiganet #fsxnet #Araknet con #chat locale, #IRC ed #MRC
Retro compatibile potete accedere da #PC #MS-DOS, #Amiga #Atari
react-bbs.nikoh.it #telnet 2323 #bulletinboard
#retrogaming #bbs #italiano #fidonet #amiganet #fsxnet #araknet #chat #irc #mrc #pc #ms #amiga #atari #telnet #bulletinboard
just finished writing ibbs-extract3, which is part 2 of my wwiv5ibbslastcaller package. xwibbslastcaller.py was part 1.
xwibbslastcaller.py handles posting a rot47 encoded message with basic caller info on logon to a networked sub.
ibbs-extract3 reads data from networked subs of rot47 encoded messages and generates a laston.txt file for each network.
#retrocomputing #wwivdev #bbs #wwiv #hobbycoding #fsxnet #wwivnet
i run a #WWIV #BBS using modified/patched sources of the https://github.com/wwivbbs/wwiv project. my BBS is named Aliens' Alcove/Abode and is part of #WWIVnet, #FidoNet and #fsxNet. it is accessible via the web here http://aliens.ph, via "telnet aliens.ph" or by using a terminal program.
#retrocomputing #fsxnet #fidonet #wwivnet #bbs #wwiv