I just spent the past 45 minutes on a #groups.io group about the #FTdx3000 by #Yaesu
And let me just reiterate.
Not possessive, with an apostrophe and an s.
Not plural with a trailing s.
Just 73 - that's it. That's the whole thing, ya goddamned cretins.
I mean for the love of all things holy, LISTEN TO CW FOR A WHILE and recognize that most QSOs end with
- - . . . . . . - - . .
That's 73 and a "dit dit".
No s.
No apostrophe-s.
I always (habitually) have the #FTdx3000 set for VFO A and B.
But there's a button right there that changes VFO B instead to a CLAR(ifier).
I should practice with that sucker.
Tune with the big knob so their tone is down at 640-690Hz, then CLAR them up to 700Hz.
I THINK, then, my tone to them would be slightly above.
Going to experiment with the #ReverseBeaconNetwork to verify that's how it works in practice.
#ftdx3000 #reversebeaconnetwork