Quali sono gli operatori di #telefonia fissa più apprezzati dagli italiani ce lo dice l'#AGCOM: vediamo i dati divisi per tipo di #connessione #FTTC, #FTTH, #FWA.
L'osservatorio AGCOM rileva la crescita delle linee fisse in Italia, con #TIM predominante.
#telefonia #agcom #connessione #fttc #ftth #fwa #tim
@amy I.think people should have a right to work remotely in every case where it's feasible.
Also people should have a right to get #FTTB & #FTTH installed at non-discrimimatory rates like with landline telephony and electricity.
Also #Commuting is #UnpaidLabour!
#unpaidlabour #commuting #ftth #fttb
Tanzania: TTCL targets to connect one million homes in Tanzania to the internet by 2027 https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/news/national/ttcl-targets-to-connect-one-million-homes-in-tanzania-to-the-internet-by-2027-4347058 #FTTH
@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life *nodds in agreement*
And it's not even competitive with my shitty cable in terms of price, performance, service and support.
And it never can be, because unlike #FTTH and direct coaxial cables or shielded Ethernet, it's a #SharedMedium like any #MobilePhoneNetwork.
Also sending that shit to space literally required millions of tons of fossil fuels and released equivalent amounts of #CO2...
All that for the rechnical equivalent of a sandcastle in space!
#co2 #mobilephonenetwork #sharedmedium #ftth
@Syulang @mekkaokereke @carnage4life
But like the #Hyperloop #scam being pushed to defund and cockblock #CaliforniaHighSpeedRail / #CHSR his plans aim to undercut overdue and long-term unavoidable #FTTB & #FTTH installations as only longterm feasible solution because we already do come close to the theoretical limitso of physics in terms of what can be done in the #RF #spectrum given earth's atmospheric composition and the narrow "Radio Window" into space...
#spectrum #rf #ftth #fttb #chsr #californiahighspeedrail #Scam #hyperloop
@mekkaokereke @carnage4life In fact, the #littering of #space and the absurd amounts of energy wasted in #Starlink would've easily paid for #FTTB / #FTTH to most households in the USA if not the entirety of Germany to the last shack in the alps and the tiniest north sea isle...
Well done #ISRO!
#isro #ftth #fttb #Starlink #Space #littering
@enigmatico Remember when #IridumFlares existed and one had to literally time shit to see them?
Nowadays one mist time not to see #SpaceKaren's junk that only excels at being a #figleaf excuse not to build #FTTB / #FTTH & #Fiber in general...
#fiber #ftth #fttb #figleaf #SpaceKaren #iridumflares
UPDATE Version avec l'ensemble des éléments #ZAPM, #NRO,#PMZ,#NRA sur une carte couleur réunissant les données #ARCEP et #OSM 🌍 pour l'ensemble du territoire national 🇫🇷 au 24/08/2023
Le fichier du projet utilisable sur smartphone 📱 avec #QField ou sur PC💻 avec #QGIS:
utilisation avec QField:
#FttH 2022T4
#fibreoptique #THD #opticalfiber
#zapm #NRO #pmz #nra #arcep #osm #qfield #qgis #ftth #fibreoptique #thd #opticalfiber
@desea @natty Besides license-free PtP radios in 60GHz & 24GHz there's also the option to do that
After all, @BNetzA did reserve 120MHz [5755 – 5875 MHz] of bandwith for #BFWA setups.
So if #FTTB / #FTTH isn't cost-effective, ask your neighbours if they'd be interested to buy in.
@markmetz so basically local #Utilities comanies could not operate their own networks and offer #OpenAccess #FTTB / #FTTH #Fiber ?
#fiber #ftth #fttb #openaccess #utilities
Der Tiefbau verbuddelt gerade Glas vor dem Haus... mal sehen ob es noch weitere 3 Jahre dauert bis es in meiner Wohnung angekommen ist. #ftth
@srgjp @peterjelinek *nickt zustimmend*
#RechtAufÖPNV in bezahlbar, barrierefrei und benutzbar sowie #RechtAufHomeoffice & #RechtAufGlasfaser (also #FTTB + #FTTH, keine #Krückentechnologie wie #FTTC + #VDSL oder #DOCSIS)...
Und die wenigen Anwendungsfälle mit #Verbrenner lassen sich inzwischen mit Methanol-Brennstoffzellen drop-in ersetzen.
#verbrenner #docsis #VDSL #fttc #kruckentechnologie #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #RechtaufHomeoffice #rechtaufopnv
@kenji Interessant...
IMHO wäre mit #RechtAufGlasfaser als #FTTB + #FTTH auf jede Hailig und Alm in mindestens als #10GBaseER wenn nicht sogar vorbereitet für
Nur so ließe sich der #Rückstand von #EDGEland aufholen...
#10Gbit #100Gbit #Gigabit #Strategie
#Strategie #Gigabit #100gbit #10gbit #edgeland #ruckstand #100gbasezr #10gbaseer #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser
@Mair_ @rail @yassie_j let me guess: Mostly local #BFWA on #WiFi or similar since #FTTB & #FTTH to every single house isn't feasible and depending on the location they only got #2G or laggy af #tooway / #SESbroadband via a geostationary satellite.
#sesbroadband #tooway #2G #ftth #fttb #wifi #bfwa
@mattias @SheDrivesMobility Klar, 24/7 wäre absurdineffizient und IMHO sollte es nen brauchbaren #ÖPNV (#RechtAufÖPNV) in jedes Kaff geben genauso wie #RechtAufGlasfaser (#FTTB + #FTTH) auf jede Alm und Hailig.
Ich rechne allerdings nicht damit dass dies je passiert.
Vorteil an #Brennstoffzelle ist, dass das Handling easy ist wie #Diesel bzw. #Benziner.
Natürlich wäre #Oberleitungsbus noch besser, aber die Infrastrukturkosten wären außerhalb urbaner Räume recht teuer.
#oberleitungsbus #benziner #diesel #brennstoffzelle #ftth #fttb #RechtAufGlasfaser #rechtaufopnv #opnv
UPDATE Version avec l'ensemble des éléments #ZAPM, #NRO,#PMZ,#NRA sur une carte couleur réunissant les données #ARCEP et #OSM 🌍 pour l'ensemble du territoire national 🇫🇷 au 02/08/2023
Le fichier du projet utilisable sur smartphone 📱 avec #QField ou sur PC💻 avec #QGIS:
utilisation avec QField:
#FttH 2022T4
#fibreoptique #THD #opticalfiber
#zapm #NRO #pmz #nra #arcep #osm #qfield #qgis #ftth #fibreoptique #thd #opticalfiber
We live in a #ClimateCrisis and making shit last less and be less #repairable is more harmful than the #envoirment than if we'd remove all #SpeedLimits around the globe.
And no, a national #SpeedLimit on Germany's highway won't solve Climate Crisis compared to allowing people to #WorkFromHome whereever technically possible and refuse to make #FTTB / #FTTH a must-provide utility like #electricity, a #phone line and #DrinkingWater!
#drinkingwater #Phone #electricity #ftth #fttb #workfromhome #speedlimit #speedlimits #envoirment #repairable #ClimateCrisis
#Manitoba #government takes stuff from innocent #citizens and gives it to Elon #Musk in oder to kill an indigenous #internet provider. #wtf
#ISP #Forfeiture #starlink #competition #FirstNations #Canada #FTTH
#manitoba #government #citizens #musk #internet #wtf #isp #forfeiture #starlink #competition #firstnations #canada #ftth